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Posts posted by Brytam

  1. Got a 2 year old dachshund. He panicked when our neighbor set off a lot of loud fireworks last night (He told the neighbors when he was going to shoot them off.) 

    Our dog was curious at first. We were on our back deck watching & then he bolted for the door.

    We let him in & he ran under our bed petrified! Last year he didn't react like that. Took a few hours for him to calm down. 

    Neighbor did a great fireworks show! Right behind our back yard in big open area he owns.

    NC doesn't allow fireworks but our neighbor goes to SC & gets the good stuff...

    (They don't really enforce the ban on fireworks in our area, so our neighbor does a "show" every year.)

    Happy 4th!!

  2. I have & play a 2012 Les Paul Classic Custom. I love this guitar. I always loved the Les Paul diamond inlay on the  headstock, but didn't want to pay the $$$ for a true custom. I found this on E-Bay in 2013 & won the bid for it. Came to my door like new! It is the guitar I always wanted & it is now my main go-to guitar.


  3. CcR9QPg.jpg 

    2008 Ford Ranger. Just a hauler & boat puller. Had a 2000 Ranger I gave to my son & immediately missed because you never realize how much you need a truck until you don't have one. I could still borrow my old truck from my son when needed until someone rear-ended him & left the scene of the accident! It was totaled. Found this for sale a while later. 2008 was the last year Ford made the Ranger truck until the reissue came out a couple years ago.  (My other son just bought a souped up RAM truck with all the bells & whistles used...$40 grand!! For that amount of $, I could buy 6 of mine... [biggrin] ) 



  4. Not a doctor or lawyer but I have 2 Rics: 1974 4001 bass (I bought in 1976) & 2005 620 - both Fireglo.

    To me, nothing can match the sound of a 4001 Ric bass - played with a pic! 

    I've been eyeing the same 360 Fireglo you have, just haven't come across one I could afford! Congrats!!


    • Like 2
  5. On 2/27/2022 at 4:26 PM, rct said:

    That is dope.  If it had a half full ashtray and a couple Heinekens I'd be weeping.


    🙂  My dad was a great musician.

    As a kid, I would sit next to him on an old Kimball upright piano we had as he would hand write scores out for each of the members of the big band he was in.

    He would think & play out the parts on the piano & then write down the notes on a score in pencil.

    I can read music & have taken some music theory but looking back, that was amazing he could pretty much do all those parts in his head & put them on paper for the band to play as a whole.

    His trombone  is a cool memento to me, since he passed back in 2003. 

  6. 20 hours ago, bigtim said:

    That reel to reel is awesome!!!!


    I had one of those one time. Looks like it will do the job too!!!

    Thanks. It's a Teac A-3440 I bought back in 1980. Works great when using a DBX unit to cancel out tape noise, especially when bouncing tracks.

    Getting really difficult to get reel-reel tape nowadays...$$$ 

    • Like 1
  7. I began on a Fender Mustang bass & in 1977 bought a 1974 Rickenbacker 4001, which has been the only bass I have played on a regular basis. To me , nothing else comes close.

    I have had the frets done 3 times & it still plays incredibly well. I wouldn't trade it for anything.


    Me playing the Ric 4001 back in the '70's: (Those were good times!)


    • Like 2
  8. I had this happen to my Rickenbacker 620. I had a black leather strap with black foam like edges that I left on the guitar when stored in the case. The strap was folded in half across the front & it left a black smear across the white binding. I was shocked when I opened the case one day (I normally use my Les Paul so the Ric was stored that way for a little bit). The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser did the trick for me. Use some painter's tape to protect the wood finish around the affected area of the binding & use a lot of elbow grease! Did the trick for me. Now I use an old T-shirt I cut to cover the entire neck & body of all my guitars when storing them in the case in order to keep this from happening again, as I try to keep the straps on the guitars. So far, no more incidients!

    • Like 1
  9. Well, that is a surprise. I am a member of both this & Fender's forum.

    Like many of you, I check out the Gibson forum frequently & sometimes go to the Fender forum, but it is not as  informative or updated as the Gibson forum is for me.

    I will miss it, but it won't be any great loss...

  10. Beautiful Ric 620! The walnut looks amazing!

    I own a Ric 620 in Fireglo & love that guitar.

    Been looking at the Ric walnut 360's that came out a couple years ago. The wood contrasts really stand out, as in your guitar.


  11. Hey, Murph. Watched the same show last night!

    I thought the same thing. No in-ears, no digital anything. I'm sure all the equipment weighed a ton & PA lines were everywhere. No "plug & play" items back then!

    I noticed a guitar player playing an Ibanez Artist double neck (6 & 12 string) guitar. Haven't seen that in a while. I had an early '80's Ibanez Super Artist that I sold to get a Fender Strat. (I love the Strat but wish I had kept the Super Artist, even though it was solid & heavy.)

    I still have a 1973 Peavey Pacer amp my parents got for me when I was a young teenager - All solid state but still working after all these years! I was focused on bass at the time & blew out the speaker on it twice (Not a bass amp).

    Later got a '70's Peavey Bass amp head with a 2 - 15" speaker enclosure. Did the job but weighed a ton! Had plenty of power but a pain to move!

    The band I was in as an older teenager had an "Acoustic" PA system. It had 2 massive speaker columns with black cushioned "leatherette" covering. Kinda goofy looking but I guess cool at the time. Not sure what happened to that PA...

    Things definitely not made like they used to be!  

  12. A  friend of mine just bought a standard Tele: Made in Japan. He brought the guitar by for me to see a couple days ago. Looks like a quality build! I was impressed.   ...Congrats!! 

  13. Well, I tried some naphtha, as I read it has been used in cleaning guitars for a long time but no luck.

    My wife suggested using Mr. Clean eraser pads & with some elbow grease (& masking tape to protect the finish), it worked!!

    I destroyed the cleaning pad, as you can see in the 1st pic,  but that's what they do.

    Sometimes its the simple things...there is still a hint of stain but I can live with this!




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  14. I have a 2005 Rickenbacker 620 in Fireglo & the white binding at the strap button on the top horn has a black smudge stain from a deteriorating strap that I cannot get off the binding. There is also a small dark smudge stain at the strap button on the wood finish. The strap had a black cushioned backing that started deteriorating - some of the black material is flaking off, so I have just replaced it with a plain leather strap. This strap had been used on this guitar for years but I never noticed the stain until last Saturday at a gig where I noticed black smudge all over my shirt where the strap sits. (I always keep the guitar with the strap attached to it in it's case when not used.) I usually play my Les Paul but decided to pull the Ric out for this event.

    I would appreciate some suggestions to try to remove the stain/smudge. I have used a vinegar cleaner, Goof Off & lemon oil with no results.

    Hopefully someone has the answer!

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