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Posts posted by northernomega

  1. Just now, northernomega said:

    Your Father is a an exemplary man for allowing you to play them in the car. The Wildhearts are one of the greatest bands to grace the planet. I salute you both.

    As an aside, I tellmy children that it is "My baby is a hedgehog".

    For those who don't know - this was also the last thing Mick Ronson played on before he passed to the other side. You owe it to yourself to check it out, if for nothing other than Ronno.

    P.S. It's also a mother f****r of a song x

  2. On 8/17/2019 at 10:10 PM, Filbert said:

    Actually this topic makes me think of a 'reverse mondegreen' where I was 17 and travelling in the car with Dad, listening to a band called The Wildhearts and the track 'My Baby is A Headf**k'. Dad asked me if they were singing 'my baby is a heifer' and all I could do was nod and agree...

    Your Father is a an exemplary man for allowing you to play them in the car. The Wildhearts are one of the greatest bands to grace the planet. I salute you both.

  3. Bought a Kempler, basically to free up space in my room (get rid of the other amps). It's amazing. Reproduces all if the touch,sag, call it what you will, of all of my other amps, and that of my friends that have been kind enough to let me drag a mic around. It really is sensational. 

    Sadly, it has become another piece of furniture in my room. As amazing as it is, my AC30, AC15, Vox Bruno and Tweeds are beautiful things. The Kempler can't take that away. 


    Yup. I am that shallow.

  4. Hey - as above, it's a Japanese guitar - most likely Aria (they tended to have the inscription about truss rod on the neck plate more than other brands - even though made in same factory as Teisco, et al)  - It's not a Gibson, but that doesn't mean it can't be a cool playing, great sounding, attractive guitar - a Nissan Skyliner drives as well (or better) than any Dodge 😉

     You've been left something really cool - learn to play it and enjoy it!

  5. Evening, all,

    I'm what might be considered an odball Gibson afficianado - the favoured Gibsons in my collection are a Music City Jr (yup, the B-bender abomination) , an SG Futura and a 50's Tribute Les Paul (just the best playing LP that I've ever owned, or played - so bite me!). My other passions guitar wise, are good Telecasters, Gretsches, Rickenbackers and... Starfields - yup, y'know - the guitars Ibanez made to appeal to a more *ahem* mature audience. Y'all will know that some of these were madein Korea, some in Japan, and some made (or finished from the better necks/bodies) in the CA Ibanez Custom shop, by some rather well respected builders.... They had some tasty endorsees - from Rob Buck (10,000 Maniacs - one of my favourite players) to Ritchie Kotzen.


    I have a handful of Starfields - from US Altairs, to the lesser spotted Japanese made 12 string - all absolute corkers - a build quality that I've seen rarely elsewhere (except for the Korean ones - decent players, but not the dog's bollocks in build quality), and .... here comes my bragg - I've just scored one of my holy grail Japanese Starfields (sucked boiled sweet, twin humbucker, slightly offset  tele) for £249 (WITH A HISCOX CASE), from a dealer here in the UK.... for all of £249.  Only problem now, is which guitar I have to pass on to one of my sons (it's the only way I can circumvent the one in, one out rule that I now have with my wife).


    Apologies if this post comes off as unduly smug, but I'm feeling unduly smug right now.




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