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Posts posted by ikeus

  1. Great review/economics history of the electric guitar industry. I agree and have often said that both Gibson and Fender are pricing themselves out of the competition.

    I would LOVE to purchase American built products. Guitars included but as stated in the paper my of us

    feel hesitant going above a certain dollar level.

    Its a wonder that both companies have found justification (and buyers) for their products. Again, look at the prices for automobiles nowadays.. Way past the $ 1499.00 VW Bug.

  2. that's such crock. not that he said it, but what he said, about being hand made and the need to choose one in person. they are made with as little handwork as possible, for one, and even those processes are refined down to a routine because after all, a gibson guitar is produced in a factory. they are not made one-at-a-time in a small workshop by some ancient luthier who looks like gepetto. it's a busy production facility that supplies the entire world with gibson guitars. they send hundreds and hundreds of them out the door every single day. that statement is henry using branding techniques in order to deceptively make people think of a gibson guitar as a boutique item that is rare and exclusive. the truth is, most of them are just like the rest. they are as ubiquitous to guitarists as potoato peelers are to a cook. you absolutely can buy them sight unseen and get a good guitar, and there is no valid excuse for not being able to do so. because even if henry had a factory full of santa's elves making the entire guitar by hand, there would still be no excuse for sending bad product out the door. especially when every single new guitar comes with a signed inspection card, and contains QC stampings in the body.


    this type of branding isn't sustainable with the rest of gibson's marketing. stores are beginning to drop gibson due to the amount of guitars they are forced to carry, and the dealer price increases, as well as other rules for retailers. eventually, ordering them through online retailers will be the only way to get one for alot of people. here in delaware there is nowhere near the selection i am used to seeing in toronto. yet, i did buy mine there (toronto) sight unseen, and got a wonderful instrument.


    edit: here is an article that sort of underscores my point about branding. the economics aside, what they have to say about gibson's branding is accurate:


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