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Historic Spec Pots


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My 2005 SG Standard has been losing too much treble on volume roll down that, it became time for a change. Instead of going aftermarket as in, outside of the Gibson realm, I blew the wadd on 4 of your Historic Spec Pots # PPAT-059. I did this because I believed the marketing behind them. I know they are CTS pots as 'CTS' is stamped on the base plate.


Furthermore, on installation, I used the Memphis tone circuit to compliment things and re-used the stock .022mf ceramic disk caps.

I am editing this one-time complaint to say "MY BAD!!!" ... they work like they're supposed to.


To excuse myself from being a dik, I must say that I did this work at 5:30 this morning ... not the best time to be judging anything except farts. After I posted my whining, I fired up the old Sonar Producer and printed to disk. On playback, YES, it was very clear that these pots were retaining treble on roll down. [blush] [blush] [blush]

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