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Slash Gold Top Disappointment


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From my personal experience Gibson quality is an issue (A new ES-339 was a "finish" disappointment). My theory has been that the signature guitars get more attention to detail and therefore better workmanship.


So, I thought the Slash gold top would be a great candidate for my next LP. I am NOT a Slash fan but do like the look of a gold top and believed this model to be unique.


I took a little time off Wednesday and went into Guitar Center, fully expecting to walk out with the Slash LP.

They had one. In the back. They took it out to show me. The first place I look at was the fretboard and the finish quality. That was all I had to see — glue had oozed out between the layers of the neck and fretboard and had not been cleaned off. In fact it had been lacquered over. Dammit I thought! This one is not for me. The LP also felt lite. I have several LPs that feel heavy - I like that - this is of course subjective. But, I neede to hear it so I played the guitar through a Mesa Boogie Express 5/25. It just didn't have the mojo. Dammit again! No sale.


We need good manufacturing in America. About the only thing we make well is guitars and weapons systems. I just hope that Gibson gets its act together and starts paying more attention to detail and giving consumers what they pay for, and maintains its status as a company that makes the best guitars in the world.


P.S. The used-car-like-salesman at Guitar Center put a gold top PRS in my hands when he realized NO SALE on the Slash. I was really impressed, but I walked out without spending a dime.

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