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94 Hummingbird tone help

94 Bird

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As I'm the one who objected to the op's comments I would like to be VERY clear that it wasn't the fact that he thought the Gibson was a better instrument (build quality, tone, playability, whatever) than the Epiphone - that is purely a subjective opinion and he is fully entitled to hold that opinion and I most certainly take no offence from him preferring the Gibson. In fact in terms of the materials used the Gibson HB is most certainly of higher quality than the Epi HB (considering the price difference I'd be staggered if it wasn't.)


What I objected to was simply the fact that his first post on the site was to complain about the sound from his Epi HB, his second and third were blatantly disparaging of both Epi guitars and those who play them - this from someone who by their own admission isn't a particularly good guitarist and who apparently needs high end gear to play at an acceptable standard for people to listen to him!



I predicated my response that this was just another troll looking to make the rather time worn 'Gibson gold standard - Epiphone cheap rubbish' statement using the much repeated conceit of 'I can't get my Epi (fill in model) to sound like a Gibson (fill in model) question.

If it was, as the OP said, simply a matter of how things come across on a forum ( nuances of speech being lacking) then I will happily , virtually offer my hand and welcome him (but I somehow doubt it.)

One a pure side note I have to say the two worst guitars (build quality,finish, and playability) I have ever had the misfortune to pick up were an Epi HB and a Gibson 2013 LP. Both were brand new and straight out of the box at dealers who I respect. I'm not talking about setup as these were both literally box fresh but in each case they looked as though they'd been built as a kindergarten craft project. One was £299 and the other was £2300. Maybe the OP got a lemon but no guarantees his Gibson won't turn out to be citrus too!

(Or maybe the extra money might be usefully spent on a technique tune up with a decent tutor msp_biggrin.gif)






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I guess I'm less inclined to be concerned about a bit of paint than some.


But I think overall your point is well taken. I think and hope that Gibsons are of better quality materials overall than Epis, but I also think that the overall construction philosophies are pretty similar as opposed to construction philosophies of other major guitar companies. That said, the one guitar I sent back after a mail order" purchase was an Epi AE. I perhaps should have returned a second.


There's a question too of the installation if not overall quality of the dual pickup Esonic2 system on Masterbilts although I've had no difficulties with mine.


OTOH, whether a high end or low end piece, it's actually been my observation at times that what I'd consider "items low end mass produced" are less likely to have finish problems than a higher-end lower mass production model with more hands-on craftsmanship. Maybe that's just me. A $10,000 US paid-in-advance to a small custom shop should bring near perfection IMHO, but - it ain't gonna be simply because it's not stamped out in a standard fashion.


Me, I guess I'm something of a guitar slob, but I'm far more concerned about functionality and playability of a guitar. I have a near-perfect AE from one company that IMHO has the character of chunk of rock. I'll take my similarly-priced but some-initial-issue Epi of the same price over it because it does have character in playability and in sound. Others may disagree - but it's my money. <grin>



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It saddens me to know that my comments caused wiggy discomfort. You obviously are a sensitive person and I don't want to be the person responsible for disrupting your sensibilities. For that PLEASE accept my deepest apologies. Maybe since we are separated by culture and the big water could explain how this Midwesterner can seem a little crude.

I have been playing guitar and banjo for some fifty years now and, yes I am not at the level I would like, but I am not a beginner either. I have been fortunate to have been taught in person by some very talented and well respected instructors plus I learn every day from others who are willing to share their knowledge.

I have been around a long time and know what sound I want from my instruments and when I don't get that I become disappointed and at times misspeak. I did say that I made the purchase without playing the guitar or I assure you I would not have made that buy. I don't want to sound as though I am disparaging any one for playing whatever guitar they play. The fact that I can't find an Epi. that I enjoy playing should not be taken as a statement against anyone owning and playing that instrument or about any person because they play that instrument. If we all liked the same things it would be a very dull world.

If I may be allowed to give you a picture of my eclectic tastes by describing the instruments that I play. I hope I will not come off sounding like a Guitar Snob, or bragging. Well here goes. I have in my stable several guitars both so called high end and intro. My number one go to guitar is a 2000 Guild D-55 (prior to Fender) with Martin Bluegrass medium strings. As it is I get a deep and sweet sound. Not a high end guitar maybe mid range. My second go to is a 2009 Martin D-41 with Martin Acoustic SP lights. It is a brighter sounding instrument but extremely mellow, if those terms can be used together. Maybe it is high end. My third is a Sanata jumbo concert. A super sounding guitar for a low end instrument, works well for Bluegrass and of course my 94 Epiphone HB. Electric include a Gretch 5120, and a Gibson LP Studio. My banjos include a 1986 Gibson RB800N, 1985 Deering Maple Blossom, 2010 Deering Golden Era and 2000 Washburn B19. The B19 sounds as good as the Gibson but the neck is just a little too large. The Golden Era is my number one followed by the Maple Blossom.

I do have an investment in those instruments but I don't regret one penny. These guitars and banjos will pass on to my grandchildren and hopefully my great-grandchildren. They will only increase in value with the added benefit that I get to enjoy them the rest of my life.

I play Country, Country Gospel, Bluegrass and Bluegrass Gospel. I greatest love is to make music with others. Jamming is more fun than eating. Given the opportunity I would play till my fingers bleed.

I should have posted this as my bio. Oh well.

Thanks for the liberties I have taken here.

I still want to fix the HB. I am considering removing some of the heavy bracing hoping to get more vibration from the top and back and as suggested change strings, nut and saddle. I may change the bridge and bridge pins as well.

If interested I will post after the work is completed if not that will be ok as well.

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It saddens me to know that my comments caused wiggy discomfort. You obviously are a sensitive person and I don't want to be the person responsible for disrupting your sensibilities. For that PLEASE accept my deepest apologies. Maybe since we are separated by culture and the big water could explain how this Midwesterner can seem a little crude.


I would have been more than happy to offer a virtual hand but for the patronising tone with which you started your post.


As it stands perhaps a wary nod of acknowledgement is likely more appropriate for now.


(I do lament the distance which divides us as I have no doubt a couple of glasses of something warm, amber and spelled with or without an e in front of a good log fire might highlight enough points of agreement to make the disagreements simply the spice which enhances the conversation)





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I think we have found common ground. I'll hoist my glass of Guinness to you and say we agree on much more than we disagree.

I think perhaps owning a D41 may have set your bar a little high 94 Bird. If you pick the D41 up then afterward pick up the EPI HB that may not be a good idea. LOL

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