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Min-ETune Help???


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I was very excited about getting a 2013 SG, and I decided to go with the Min-ETune version. I researched it thoroughly, and I didn't see a bad review of it. It looked really cool to me. The guitar plays great, but I've encountered some problems with the Min-ETune. First of all, it is not attached to the headstock by anything substantial; it is stuck onto the headstock by some adhesive. This cheapens the feel of the guitar, but that's beside the point. I was playing one day on my carpeted floor, and the Min-ETune became detached and fell onto the floor. I picked it up, and the adhesive side was full of carpet fibers. I sat down for about 30 minutes and meticulously picked out all of the carpet fibers that I could with a pair of tweezers. Once I reattached it, it promptly fell off again, and I had the same problem. Ever since I had this first problem, it won't stick to the headstock for more than a few minutes. When I press the buttons on it, the thing wobbles back and forth. Some of the adhesive has even started to come off on the back of the headstock. If I could, I would trade this guitar in for a normal 2013 SG without the Min-ETune. I've searched around on the internet for hours, and nobody else seems to have this problem. I also searched for replacement adhesives, but they don't sell any. Am I missing something here??? I'm sure there's probably some ridiculously easy fix that I'm overlooking, but I'd really appreciate any help you guys can offer.


Thanks so much,


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For one, Min-ETune (otherwise known as Tronical Tune) should not be attached using ANY adhesive. Tronical (the manufacturer) states that the entire unit (the tuners and the black box are one single piece, not two separate parts) is secured to the headstock by the hex nuts which hold the tuner posts in place (on the front of the headstock).


If the black box is falling off, your Min-ETune is most likely broken. I would say bring it back to the dealer (or call if you ordered online) and tell them what happened. If they're a Gibson Authorized Service Center or there's one in the area, they can fix the issue and your guitar is probably still under warranty.


Let me know if there's any more information,



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