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ES-339 Pickguard


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Got a ES-339 Traditional Pro, great guitar. A little more Les Paulish compared to my ES-347 but not too much. LOTS better than the LP Studio I traded in for MY playing style and tunes the band plays.


It comes without a pick-guard but I think I would like one of the black/white/black ones. Tried the only source I could find WD Music and the guy said I would have to send the original to match, told him well it didn't come with one and he said he didn't have one to use as a template.


Anyone got any other sources which might be able to make one?

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You could try All Parts. They may be the same size as a 335's you may just have to adjust how it screws into the side of the guitar.


Well wasn't getting very far with anyone, Allparts didn't have and custom guys all wanted me to make a template. Then I found Mike Quick at www.quickguards.com, he didn't have one for a Gibson but did for the Epiphone. He sent me a copy and tried it, gave him an adjustment which he made and he sent the new template which fit perfect. Wanted a Black/White/Black and he suggested the Black/White/Black/White/Black as used on the higher end Gibsons which I went with, my Fenders are all 5 ply too. $50 with shipping!


Great guy to work with.

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