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Adjustable single coil, a new approach.


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Two offset l-shaped suspended plastic platforms will accomodate magnetic blades that can each adjust for individual strings, three at a time.

The trick is to suspend the coil from the inner top of the pickup.

Otherwise, the parts and manufacturing are pretty much generic.


Its your fault, you got me used to adjustable poles on my LP Studio, I can't stand single-coil designs that I can't adjust.


The design has been with me for a while, the measurements and tolerences work out.

Think of all the strats, jazz basses and tele's you can mod.



I forgot to mention that with a rubberized plastic mounting bracket, you can readily adapt it to almost all known stringed instruments without the problematic feedback that acoustic designs are associated with.


Violins, Mandolins, Balalaikas, Cuatros(like mine), etc,...AdjustableSingle-coilpickup.jpg[/img]

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