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I want to post photos!

Mick Amon

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How exactly is the posting of photos managed here? I'm being told that I've uploaded all but 3.7K of my 500K limit. How/when does it reset? Do I need to pay to reset my total? Is there a sub to allow larger images? Thanks for any and all help and replies!

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How exactly is the posting of photos managed here? I'm being told that I've uploaded all but 3.7K of my 500K limit. How/when does it reset? Do I need to pay to reset my total? Is there a sub to allow larger images? Thanks for any and all help and replies!


Hi there Mick.


Due to the limitations on a Gibson account; most of use use a third party photo hosting service. PostImg and PhotoBucket are among the most popular; both are free and don't have the size or quality limitations.


PhotoBucket is probably your best bet to start with; once you've uploaded an image all you need to do is click on it in your library, which brings up a better view, and there will be some codes. Click on the IMG code, which will copy to your computers' clipboard, and then paste the link in the body of your post.


Shout if you need further help!msp_biggrin.gif

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