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Repair an Old Paint

Ron S

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Got this 1963 E230TD from my brother. It's been through some rough times. 

I leaned it up against the a window ledge in a house I used to live in. Had a rain storm and dang if the water didn't leak in down the wall and into the carpet. Guitar was about 18" away from the wall.  End result was the edge of the guitar got wet and bled out. 

No other harm than cosmetic.

Any ideas how to repair without looking like a 'repair'? (it kind of looks cool like flames)

Also my bro replaced the P90 bridge with a humbucker. I have the original cover and coil and tray. Not sure I have the magnets and screws. Any ideas on restoring it back to original? Found some cheap P90's online and thinking of scabbing the screws and alincos to put it back right. 




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It’s worthless, I think you should just give it to me 😉🤣


seriously if if it’s not affecting the sound, I would leave it well alone. Play it, love it and enjoy it ✌️

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