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70's pickups pat 2.737.842


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Looking to upgrade pups on an epiphone, confused, too much choice out there!

Seen these on good old Ebay seller says from a 70's Gibson, only other info is the number 2.737.842.

Worth going for or should I stick to more modern upgrade?


ebay item number is 260223693700

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Hi, I'm a newbie and I'm not often on this forum, but one thing I can tell you is that these are "t-tops" or "t-buckers," some of the best pickups made, and some feel that they are very nearly as good as a PAF at a fraction of the price.


A senior forum member named Lous gave me ENORMOUSLY USEFUL info to my Gibson pickup questions. Go to the SG forum and look for the thread "68 t-top?"


The t-tops I have known and loved were from a later period than these, but they have sounded great no matter what guitars I put them in. Just the right balance of caramel and airiness.


Since this seller has very few transactions, well, let's see what the other members have to say about that.


I just got burned on eBay and I'm in no position to offer wisdom. (LOL)




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Hey t-bucker thanks for the insite. Total newbie myself and really very very confused by all the different option out there.

Not knowing too much about these things it was the price point that was interesting me then well logic to me anyway newer technology must be better, seems from what you say perhaps not, even more confused now!

Still all academic now anyways visited my local store and bought some the sales guy recommended, his reasoning was that being old the ones on ebay would probably need a good going over and that probably would cost a fair bit. So much to learn!


As for the sellers rating, looking at his profile he dont appear to be into heavy dealing of stuff seems a fair mixture of different from what you can see over a decent period and 100% positive thought that was not a bad sign.

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  • 2 years later...


My first post here, wish me luck ;)


I have also been thinking what pickups are those in my LP Custom ´87. There is also PAT NO 2.737.842 stamp in the back.

Some people say they are t-tops, some vote dirty fingers, 489T is also voted..

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T-tops are killer, I prefer the patent sticker type (pre 1975) but the stamped patent number t-tops are great too. I would add that if price is an issue the best deal is a pair of gibson 57 reissue PAF's. I've got all three and thay are sooooo close in sound quality and thickness, I wouldn't hesitate to put 57's in anything.

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