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Pups for CS336


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I bought my CS336 because compared to my Ibanez AR300re it sounds unrefined and edgy, I love the raw sound I get even when playing clean.


A few people have mentioned aftermarket pick ups to really bring out that edgy sound with the acoustic overtones, can anyone suggest anything?

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Johnny A mentioned (during a CD signing after a show) that the Burstbuckers were "too gritty" and he specified '57 Classics in his signature model (I'm not suggesting there's much of a similarity between the JohnnyA and your CS336, there isn't really and the 336 is a pretty bright guitar as it is).


Basically the unevenly wound coils in Burstbuckers are meant to give more edge to the sound, so perhaps that's what you're after. You should be able to get your hand on a set of Burstbucker 1 & 2 from somebody that rewired their Historic LP. Otherwise you can go whole hog for higher output Burstbucker Pros like they use on the new Standards.

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