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Book of Angels - John Zorn Compositions


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I think i touched on this in a thread in the past but it was just in passing...


Who else has done some exploring with this series of albums? For those who are not familiar with this, its a 10 disc series of albums, all composed by John Zorn and played by a variety of artists...from Secret Chiefs 3, to John Zorn and his crew himself.


My two favs are Secret Chiefs 3 - Book of Angels Vol 9: Xaphan and John Zorn and Co. - Book of Angels Vol 10: Lucifer


Some of the albums are strings only, some incorporate some guitar....they all make me feel like i'm in a Turkish Bazaar though...crazy sounding stuff for sure.


I haven't gotten too far into this series yet, but if anyone else has some favs from this series, post it here and I will check them out!

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Since I'm a great Masada fan myself, I'm also interested in the Book of Angels series(reviews are very nice at Amazom.com)So, I'd love to see some feedback!

So far I can tell you that Masada I & II, the live albums 'In Jeruzalem' and 'In Middelheim' are true highlights in contemporary jazz! And if you never have listened to "Masada Guitars" with Marc Ribot, Bill Frisell and Tim Sparks on guitars, than you're definitely missing something!

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