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The Year is 1960


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I dunno about the specifics of this lp or that...


I do know that the Hummingbird and D28 were "the" guitars among people I was hanging out with from '63 to the fall of '65. Yeah, there were others, but I was hanging with a folkie crowd.


Frankly in late '65 I ended up playing rock. The 335 and Ricks were "the" guitars, although toss in a Jaguar and Fender Precision basses...


But arguments over necks, etc.? Seriously, I never heard it. Sound, yeah; looks, nope. Amps? Yup once you got into playing rock, but not the specific guitars per se, other than lust for Fender basses. Never saw an LP, though, until later.


I guess my point is that the whole question simply did not arise when I was playing because... it's a more recent argument. 'Twasn't done back then that I heard.



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I dunno about the specifics of this lp or that...


I guess my point is that the whole question simply did not arise when I was playing because... it's a more recent argument. 'Twasn't done back then that I heard.




Right! It's the decades of innovation and change and options that have given us enough perspective and experience to make these value judgments about the guitars we played and play.


I'm surprised how many discussions there are about necks here and on the Fender forum -- but I understand it because that's the one, constant and important, physical connection we have to the guitar -- we hold it and we hope we holds us back as we wish; and that's what surprised me most about the asymmetrical neck: I can hold it without clamping it or using my thumb as a pivot point/fulcrum. The a-neck just rests in the cup of my hand and my thumb is free and relaxed and my fingers and move around without being tense. Slides are just a matter of keeping the cupped part of my hand lightly in contact with the neck to keep my fingers referenced and in the right place.

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Explains a lot with the apparent lack of supervision' date=' especially where computer access is considered.[/quote']

I have a problem here. The statement above was a character attack yet dem00n was banned for his response to this attack? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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