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What is Gibson doing with the AJ??


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Hi, so we know that last years run on one of the best Gibson the AJ (IMO) brought my GC and MF one of the same now has it as out of stock and will not be in till 03-09-2008. I've seen MF do this before, will not be in till and then it will come up as discontinued some months later. So what do you think this may mean? Do you think that Gibson would give up on the AJ line for now? My AJ is great, she purrs when she wants to but, she can bark like a junk yard dog and she sure is pretty.


So what do you think Gibson is thinking or doing on this one?



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I can't imagine for a moment that Gibson would even consider dropping what I consider is their best sounding dread. Then again Gibson aren't known for consistency or common sense!

Is the AJ difficult to come by, new, in the US? You'll be very lucky to get one in the UK-I was!

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