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lefty es 335 question also SG question


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Hello All,

I like collecting guitars because of their beauty, I look for models from the late 50's & 60's because they were the ones I use to stay up half the night looking at in gatalogues & mags.


Anyway my two questions are:


1) As a lefty does the es 335 only come in Cherry (I have not seen any others mentioned) Cherry is my first choice though, mainly because of Justin Hayward & Alvin Lee. (I am loking at purchasing one within the next week! but wanted to know the options before I special order it.) lefty's no one carries stock!



I have an Epi SG g400 which I purchased two weeks ago & love it Cherry red,

how is this SG different then an SG standard? I notice the pickguard on the standard is always the full pg where the g400 is the 12 pguard is there any other differences?



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