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pro-line pickup covers

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I have a set of them I used a long time ago. They work, but they are very snug and hard to get to fit perfectly. If you're going to pull the pickups out to put the covers on and solder them like you should, you might as well just ask around the forums for someone with a covered set of buckers lying around they'd sell on the cheap. There's a lot of generous, sharing folks here, and I'm sure someone could set you up with something. I'd avoid the covers unless you have no alternative.

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i actually already bought them, im just waitin to get the lp to put them on. I will solder them for sure if they are supposd to be. Is there anything else im supposed to do to them? I watched a youtube vid and the guy put silicon on them as well. I dont want to do that if i dont have to. the one i took apart didnt have silicon in it. any helpful hints are very much appreciated. Ive only been playing for about 8 mnths but ive taken apart everything i can on every guitar ive had my hands on.

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