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Zero fret


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this is an interesting question. I have few instruments with zero fret and I must say they are not bad at all.

In my opinion, with zero fret the sound of open strings is very similar to those fretted at other frets, so this could be a good thing (no sound of bone/plastic nut here). The function of nut is only to control string spacing, but not to control any height of strings. A fret is doing latter. So, nut shaping can be simplified here, but on the other side, perhaps a fret can wear faster.

Zero fret can be good for low action. Put a capo on a first fret of your normal guitar and you will see...

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What big sound said....




One problem with a zero fret is that on some, like my FT145SB and it's contemporaries, the zero fret was the same height as the rest of the frets. Therefore, in order to minimize buzzing, the next three frets were filed down severely at the factory. I remedied this by installing a taller fret at the zero position when I re-fretted.

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