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Probably a dumb question...

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I have a PR-150 bought new in February of this year. I'm using Martin strings gauge 12-54 and I'm constantly getting a weird metallic sound from my B string that goes away when I press down with what feels like more than excessive pressure. I've been playing several hours a day for about a year now, so I feel like my hand strength should be where it needs to be to play comfortably. Does this sound like something that could be wrong with the guitar (frets not level etc.) or does it just sound like I'm a big wuss and need to press harder?

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You probably have a fret that's a tad too high somewhere on the neck. When you press down hard, it increases the string tension just enough that it doesn't contact that fret anymore. Easy fix is to raise the action at the bridge. Proper fix is a partial fret dressing (leveling and recrown job). On the off chance you have a fret popping up, it can sometimes be hammered back down. But you should leave this to an experience luthier or guitar tech if you haven't had experience with this sort of thing before...



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