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Help - Les Paul Classic serial number


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I'm totally new here, and am just trying to figure out a serial number on a Les Paul Classic - it is 7 2590 . Does anyone know what year, place of manufacture, etc. this guitar might be from? I have searched the internet, but have been unable to come up with a definitive answer, so I thought I would try here. Any help you can offer is appreciated.


Thank you

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It's a 1997 model and the 2590th '1960 Classic' produced that year.


The digit(s) which come before the gap denote build-year. 1997 = 7 xxxx; 2007 = 07 xxxx etc...etc...


Unless it has the Custom Shop logo on the rear of the neck/headstock area it was built on the regular pruduction floor at Nashville.


I don't know what finish it is (obviously) but if you are in any doubt there will be a code-stamp in one of the p-up cavities; usually the neck one. If it has a fancier top - 'Plus' or 'Premium-Plus' - this is usually noted in the bridge p-up cavity.


Somewhat like this, in fact;







'Les Paul Premium-Plus'




Hope that helps.


Pics, please!

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