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Parents are d!cks!


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If you want to see "some" parents acting like total dicks, go to a few little league ball games or hockey games.

When I was 15, my hockey team needed a police escort out of one particular arena. Some of the parents of the opposing team were out for our heads.

Most really are great but the wingnuts can ruin it for everyone.




Been there dealt with that on several occasions.

Seen parents sent away from the soccer field, the baseball diamond, and the basketball court on account of their belligerents.

One dad, who could never managed to get his kid to practice this past season, through a hissy fit and took his kid home after the coached pulled his kid in the third inning.

Now what's that tell you about the parents.


Oh and one more thing. My 11-year-old boy used to think I'm a **** because I won't let him bring violent, shooting video games into the house.

He understands now that Mom and Dad love him and that we are not going to sit back and let the video game industry turn him into a mindless killer. It took a while and he understands now what we were trying to tell him.

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We were lucky in that all our kids's ball coaches were good sports. Maybe it was that we were from a small town and most of the teams were small town folk. There were a couple loud-mouth parents, mostly on other teams. The umpire was the dad of one of the players, because that's the only one we could get to do it. He was fair and honest to a fault. The only special treatment he gave his daughter was, "Sorry, Sweatheart, that was your last strike and you're out."


One opposing parent gave him some grief once. He walked over to the fence and told her in a calm voice, "I'm just a volunteer here and don't need that kind of abuse. If you want to trade places, then by all means...." The loud mouth shut up and kept her seat. [blush]


One of OUR mothers was usually well behaved, but at one away game I was flat embarrassed for our team. [blush] She harassed and harangued the umpire mercilessly. [mad] The man would get red in the face and argue back. [cursing] Seven innings this went on. I was embarrassed to tears. I got the feeling they'd crossed paths before. The umpire should have reminded her that, legally, while he was umpire, he owned the park. He had every right to eject her from the park, with a Sheriff's Deputy escort if necessary.

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