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I use a little square and an X-acto knife to score where the fret slots go. I made a miter box from scratch but I don't trust it so I just use it as a fingerboard clamp and then just cross my fingers as I make the cuts.

lol nice but one last thing is I have a 22 fret strat so is there any type of ruler or something I can use to know were I should first mark were the 21 frets go?

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There are also programs that will print out a template. Wfret is one of them.


Stewmac also has a calculator here. You can calculate the measurements and use a ruler & pencil.

i just attached a file if you could look at it im guessing the Gibson is the scale that goes for 1 to 25 and the fender scale is the one going for 1 to 22?

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I made an Excel sheet that calculated the intervals, distance from the nut, remaining distance, all that. I can't fnd the cursed thing anywhere. Must be on a retired computer somewhere. But like jantha said, the Stew mac one works really well.


I just got done a new board for an old tenor banjo. I think cutting fret slots straight is about the hardest thing I've ever had to do on an instrument. Took me two solid hours to lay them slots out and cut them, then about 6 minutes to put the frets in.





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