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Firebird V PickUp Springs


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I've owned my Firebird V for about a year and always noticed that the Bridge PUp has quite a lot of lateral wobble, whereas the Neck PUp is quite steady.

I took it out of the housing when changing strings and noticed that the springs on the Neck Pup are more tightly wound than those on the Bridge Pup obviously explaining the large amount of wobble.

Does anyone know if this is commonplace? Am guessing that I should get these Bridge Pup springs replaced with the same as those at the Neck but as the guitar is still relatively quite new it would seem odd they would loosen so much within a year?

Any advice warmly received.


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I've had my Firebird V since Jan 07' when i bought it new and have noticed the same thing, way too much wiggle. It's to a point where I thought I was getting fret buzz even though my action is pretty moderate. Even with the bridge PUp so loose/high up mine still has MUCH less output than my neck PUp does, I assume I'm not alone in this too? Also, I have fairly shotty binding along the bass side of my neck between the 5-14th fret area. Other than that she's gorgeous. I've never bothered disassembling her though.

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