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Missed a couple of NPDs...


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So with GC running their giant clearance sale, I decided to head over and see what they had sitting out, and do a sweep of their used stuff to see if there was anything interesting.


For once it was a really worthwhile trip.


The clearance sale yielded an Electro-Harmonix English Muff'n, which was right around $100 with tax. (list was $256, hadn't seen one new for less than around $190, pre-tax online).


Used they had a Pro Co Solo sitting around for about $20. Played with it a bit and was intrigued enough for the price to bring it home.


I've been enjoying playing with both since they're so wildly different. I'm currently digging on the English Muff'n the most. It sounds really great for some chunky rhythm goodness, and sounds pretty sweet on lead when tweaked for it. Unfortunately it's wicked noisy, which would bug me way too much for live work. Works really well for recording when I can mess with it, but I'm not sure a noise gate or suppressor would do a good enough job not to drive me bonkers on stage. Need to try it with one in the near future to find out though.


The "Solo" is pretty good for what it's named for, but mediocre at best for rhythm. My main complaint is that it gets to muddy with chording and palm muting, and even on some lead work. It's pretty hard to tweak it to a truly great sound, and I'm not entirely convinced it has one in it, but it has some decent sounds I can see some uses for. It's a neat tool for recording what it does when your ear wants it, but it's no Rat.


- B

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