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Slayer&Megadeth show 17.3 in Finland was amazing!


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This show was closest thing of perfection that i have ever seen. The place was really full of crowd and everybody was so exited! It was like a dream to listen when the mixing job is very well done. In my own spotlight was to see and hear Gary Holt and Kerry King on same stage. Both very exact and tight rhythm players... and I was in the seventh heaven all way long when they played. eusa_clap.gif For me Gary Holt is the best guitarist ever when it comes to thrash, no doubt about that. But what comes to Kerry King... I don't


care what anybody says but Kerry King's solos were absolutely stunning. If somebody doesn't understand what he is doing with his guitar... i am sorry about their loss because I do understand and I love it. msp_thumbup.gif I respect him more than ever after that show...







This really was a show that I won't never forget... i think that it was the best show that i have ever seen. Those old men still got it! msp_thumbup.gif

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