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Junior with a humbucker?


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Hey guys, I recently picked up a Junior that came loaded with a Humbucker with a tone control coil split. Ive read that the pickup is a 498T but that is all Ive found out about it.


Can anyone give me anymore spec.s on it? I havent found anything on line.


Here are the things I'd like to know...


Was it made in Tennessee? It says made in usa.


Neck profile?


Are these good tuners?


Should I relace the nut with bone? This one looks like a plastic nut.


How are the electronics on these?


Pickup, I can't help but wonder what a SD P-Rails would be like in it? This pickup is hot hot hot!


Bridge? Should I think about an upgrade? Aluminum?


Did I miss anything? ha ha! :)



Hear are some pics…














Any info (or directions to some) would be awesome!


For the record, …this baby flat out Rocks!





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For the record, …this baby flat out Rocks!








Then why change a thing? bucker and single coil tones out of that thing ROCK


I played one at my local guitar center and was baffled by the quality and sound.


nut: try tusq if you MUST change it

bridge: tone pros aluminum vintage reissue wrap around, or the AVTIIG

Tuners: those are classic junior tuners. the green klusson style would look good tho

pickup: KEEP IT. Youd be down-grading with anything else. Roll back the vol if its tooooooooooooo hot.


I want one, but i want the explorer and V melody makers

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Then why change a thing? bucker and single coil tones out of that thing ROCK


I played one at my local guitar center and was baffled by the quality and sound.


nut: try tusq if you MUST change it

bridge: tone pros aluminum vintage reissue wrap around, or the AVTIIG

Tuners: those are classic junior tuners. the green klusson style would look good tho

pickup: KEEP IT. Youd be down-grading with anything else. Roll back the vol if its tooooooooooooo hot.


I want one, but i want the explorer and V melody makers


Oh, it's not tooooooo hot, I just would like it to clean up a little bit more than it does is all. I just threw that out there. I haven't decided for sure I want to change anything! I just wanted some thoughts. I've been intrigued by the P-Rails though and thought it might be more versitile and I'd have a p-90 option.


I'm mainly intersted in the spec.s, but the fact that it was only $700 made me think it could be improved upon. I love it as is and I'm not changing anything unless I'm sure it will be an improvement. This is the funnest guitar I've ever owned!!

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