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Ronny Cox Epiphone-"Deliverance"


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Don't know if this has popped up here before, but I caught part of "Deliverance" on TV yesterday and got to wondering what model Epiphone Ronny Cox is playing. I'm not that knowledgable of older Epi acoustics. Could it be an import model? Anyone know?

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Don't know if this has popped up here before, but I caught part of "Deliverance" on TV yesterday and got to wondering what model Epiphone Ronny Cox is playing. I'm not that knowledgable of older Epi acoustics. Could it be an import model? Anyone know?


I've seen that one too, but haven't spent a lot of time trying to ID it. Deliverance was released in 1972, so it could be an early 1971 Matsumoku version or a late 60's K'zoo model.


I think this clip is on YouTube. I'll check it out again.


It appears to have the early Matsumoku fleury plastic tuners, bolt-on neck and zero fret.


The body finish is matte. I don't know if Matsumoku did that type of finish. The props department could have dulled it to prevent reflections from showing cameras. I'm think it's a FT 145, 'Texan', or more likely a 6730 which was quickly renumbered FT145


> > > More info on the renumbering < < < Notice the tuner buttons on the 6732 shown in that thread.


The thing I find amazing is they filled the gas tank on that IHC Scout for $4.99!

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Don't forget that we were paying 30-40 cents per gallon for gasoline in those days. The oil embargos of that era brought $1 a gallon gas and long gasoline lines circa 1973. It was in today's dollars roughly $4 per gallon.


It also brought a stock market crash.


Interesting, eh?


Yet it's incredibly difficult because of various politics - not partisan per se although the urban left tends toward obstructionism and urban right tends not to object - to increase oil and gas production in the U.S.


E.g., in at least one instance in central Wyoming east of the Bighorns about a decade ago, there was a huge complaint from greenies that coalbed methane production created water in local streams that was too clean. It supposedly made life difficult for dirty-water species. True story.



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You know they are full of it when their stated goal is to not prove this source or that source of energy is inefficient or polluting, but to cause such a ruckus as to impose expensive enough sanctions to force the price of their target to a level where it is more expensive than their preferred alternative. And... the absurd comment 'It makes the water too clean for dirty water critters.' just nails the coffin on their disingenuousness. I had a 3 year old who tried to negotiate her point using that kind of absurd argument to get her way. She didn't get her way.


On paper, electric cars seem to be an environmental boom, until you ask them, "What do you do with the thousand pound batteries when they won't hold a charge any more?" You get blank stares. Then you point out that the ten year cost of operating an electric car, when you figure in the cost of replacing batteries at about 7 years, is well in excess of purchasing gasoline on a similar sized car. They get ticked off. Last figure I heard was about $7000 for a set of batteries for a Prius. Let's see? New car? :unsure: New Batteries? How much of a trade-in hit will I take because the dealer knows he's going to have to shell out $7K for a new battery pack before he can move my old sled?

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After sleeping on it I'm fairly convinced it is a 6730 Matsumoku, Japan built only in 1971. This guitar's model nomenclature was changed to the FT145 in 1972.


The tuner buttons are the dead give-away. I've never seen a FT145 guitar with this type of plastic tuner button.

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Just noticed also that the NYSE just dropped 200 points. The blame goes to U.S. national debt, interestingly, as though energy and commodity prices (oil is a commodity in ways along with cotton, etc.) are going through the roof. Note how grocery and clothing prices are increasing too.


Roughly the same thing happened in the mid 1970s to the point that in the US, there was a freeze on wages and prices that few remember nowadays.


Epi/Gibson were in the process as today to try to match product with the economy - which hadn't yet gone entirely south in '71.


There had been a big oil price spike after the '67 Arab Israeli war too, btw, with an oil embargo.. After that, the rest of the world went through a short time of seeking other oil and energy sources. Then the green movement started to work to kill less expensive energy, at first I think with good intentions, but later it seems to have become an economic/political movement.


I'll never forget how, when I lived in Wyoming a decade ago, California had a natural gas shortage because largely of "green" regulation. They turned on the spigot from where I was getting my natural gas 35 miles away and the price jumped for me too.


The early to mid 1970s were in ways a dusty mirror of what we may be seeing today.


In the guitar world... it brought some interesting changes.



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Just noticed also that the NYSE just dropped 200 points. The blame goes to U.S. national debt, interestingly, as though energy and commodity prices (oil is a commodity in ways along with cotton, etc.) are going through the roof. Note how grocery and clothing prices are increasing too....



I know I'm going to regret this in the morning, but it almost sounds like we need someone who understands business to get us out of this mess... I'm beginning to >shudder< think Trump might be the one. [blush]

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I tend to agree with the concept, but... when Trump talked about charging other countries cash to be involved in NATO and UN activities... I think business ain't enough and some international and diplomatic experience wouldn't hurt either. Trump has a tendency, it appears from here, not necessarily to be all that diplomatic - and his personal style has failed at times, too.


Frankly, and I don't think this is a partisan political comment, I think since 9-11 of 2001 much of the world has been so involved in security issues and "local" politics that the rest of everything including the economy has kinda gotten put on the back burner.


It would be satisfying to say "it's those darned whatever U.S. political party you want to blame," as being "at fault," but it appears to me that the same general situation has been going on pretty much through the "western" world - including Japan and Korea as well as in Indo-European speaking nations.


We've had similar economic disasters for more than 200 years - basically since various national economies have had increasing ties in a sense we would all recognize it.



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That's what bothers me about him. I've seen him in the board room. He's made some monumental screw ups. Fired people for stupid reasons. He places too much credence in what his kids tell him. Sorry Don, but your kids are not suited to the lofty positions you've given them. Letting Carolyn Kepcher get away from him was stupendously stupid. Replacing her with that Barbie Doll daughter of is was even stupider.


In season four, the top two candidates were exceptional. The winner won fair and square, but when Trump asked the winner if he should also hire the second place candidate, the winner said, "No, there can only be one." Trump listened to the 'winner'. The T man let another highly qualified candidate slip through his fingers due to another's pettiness. He should have fired him on the spot, then hired the second place winner.


Yeah, I suspect Trump really isn't for the big house. Is foreign policy is much lacking as well.


I quit watching this show after that.

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