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pickup identification needed


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hi all this is my first post here on this forum.........


im looking for some info on these pickups that came stock on my 3-pickup black faded flying v.

they have since went into other guitars as i refinished the v and put hot ceramics in the v.

but anyway all the info i get on the guitar says that it came with a 490T and 490R's pups. as i put these pups in my les paul the bridge pup measures 12.8k and the neck measures 8.5k they both have a T on the base plate,(im not sure about the 3rd pickup as it went into the bridge of my hagstrom and it sounds really good there.)

im not sure if i like the neck pup as it lacks some bite, but the bridge pup sounds real punchy with raw mids through my plexi/afd 2203, are these really 490 series pups or do i have the hot ceramics after all? could the 12.8k bridge pup be a 498T instead? did some of these guitars ship with different pups?

im curious because now i want to match a neck pup to this bridge pup.


here is the before and after pics of the V after the re-finish.......

post-9212-094155400 1312309241_thumb.jpg

post-9212-005512200 1312309256_thumb.jpg

post-9212-045474600 1312309275_thumb.jpg

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