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Lennon EJ-160E clone...


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Well the time has come I think for me to buy a new acoustic, got a 12-string back at Christmas, and am playing that as my main guitar now as compared to it my 6-string (which was my first guitar, but still quite an expensive one) doesn't quite cut the tonal mustard. I am really happy with my Epi DR-212 so I'm looking to Epi for my new axe. I really want a EJ-160E, but can't afford a Gibson, and can't afford the Epi copy either... besides, not taken with the whole signature thing...


Anyways, I wondered if Epi have any other acoustics out there of the same dimensions as the EJ-160. I plan to buy one and then have the electronics added later. Looking at the web-site there are alot that look close enough, but are they the same shape and size? For example, the DR-100 is quite nice. I know the neck joint doesn't allow for the correct placing of a pick-up but I could live with that I think?


The AJ-100 is also very fetching, and has the option of a pick-up too. Now is that an actual pick-up with on the face knobs, or one of these built in numbers with a small control panel on the side of the body?


Also, the EL-00 is quite nice too, but too far off the mark I think in regards to shape and size?


Anyway, any help or info you lot might be able to offer would be fantastic! I know there is something out there, just need some voices of experience to guide me in the right direction!...





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I have a Vintage no name very close to a 160e


Looks good, well made, sounds good


Much less money than the Epi....






Wow, I'm actually really impressed with that! What a gorgeous instrument! I was eyeing up a solid mahogany vintage in my local shop a few weeks ago, thinking it looked pretty damn nice. There was just something there though that made me think...


"But its a Vintage, buy a proper guitar!"


Is it still the case that this brand isn't taken seriously? I had a Vintage LP Goldtop, and the isues with that were crazy! How is the quality of these instruments now? Now that the brand seems to have grown I would imagine they've improved greatly?

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Wow, I'm actually really impressed with that! What a gorgeous instrument! I was eyeing up a solid mahogany vintage in my local shop a few weeks ago, thinking it looked pretty damn nice. There was just something there though that made me think...


"But its a Vintage, buy a proper guitar!"


Is it still the case that this brand isn't taken seriously? I had a Vintage LP Goldtop, and the isues with that were crazy! How is the quality of these instruments now? Now that the brand seems to have grown I would imagine they've improved greatly?


It's worth checking out their product range


They come in at med/low end prices but seem to have a good reputation


They do an extensive range of electro-acoustics, some with Fishman P/U's


And a variety of solid and part solid wood specs


As always though 'you get what you pay for', so IMO real quality and brand cache can get expensive


I particularly like mine for it's acoustic tone...it would sound good mic'd up


The S/C PU is clear and bright.....





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