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String Height Adjustment at the nut advice


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Hi again,


Another question regarding Dusk Tiger setup.


After a couple of years of playing this guitar and loving it for the most part, I have come to the conclusion that while the string height is perfect for the most part, I could use it about 1.5 mm higher so that I can play slide between frets 1-7 without the slide thudding against the frets no matter how lightly I contact the strings.


I would love to get some spare nuts so that I can have one that rides the strings little taller.


I would also like to get another nut so that I can hopefully use .011 or .012 E-strings on the guitar as the .010's sound a little thing to me, but I do not want to alter the original nut.


The Tronical site and Gibson site does not sell nuts for this guitar like they do for the previous Robot models.


Any ideas?



Dr B

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One option would be to stick with one set-up spec per guitar


IMX it can be problematic switching set-ups, particularly short term ones on one guitar


I have one guitar in a 'hybrid' set-up for mixed standard and slide playing


It works well being on the high side for most conventional playing


Then I switch to a low set-up guitar for other styles....





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I have one guitar in a 'hybrid' set-up for mixed standard and slide playing


It works well being on the high side for most conventional playing


Then I switch to a low set-up guitar for other styles....







I would love to setup the Dusk Tiger in a hybrid set up using 11's or 12's, if Tronical or Gibson would just sell the nut so that the Robot tuning is guaranteed to behave.

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