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'61 Reissue Beveling Question (Attention Gibson Customer Relations!)


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I know we're in a recession and all, but what's the deal with the '61 Reissue SG's beveling recessing/regressing? Back in '99 through about '04, they had really nice deep, fairly historically-accurate (for the most part) beveling that, coupled with the tapered horn tips, made it the best overall representation of the early 60's models that Gibson has issued to date (until the Custom/Historic division wises up and fixes the horn tapers on their models anyway). I was looking at a couple newer ones, a late '07 model and a recent new one, and they really have lax beveling when compared to my '01 SG '61 w/Maestro. So I just wanted to ask, what gives? Why have we seen a decline in the beveling in the past few years? The '61 Reissues I've seen lately have for the most part beveling which isn't much better than the off-the-shelf large-pickguard Standard (which, understandably has less beveling, being based on the late-60's models), and I'm just curious how such a thing could happen. Had you guys not previously had good beveling on them it probably wouldn't even be that much of an issue, but seeing something devolve raises my eyebrows. I would like to think with the SG's 50th birthday not far off we'd be seeing them get a little better treatment and attention, but now's as good a time as any, especially if we're gonna' be getting another stimulus check in a few months. :-s


I'm glad to see the faded/washed looking cherry finishes gradually darkening a little (although the "wine red" is honestly closer to what it should be...maybe a shade lighter but no orange/brown tint), but between the lack of beveling and the whole painting over the tailpiece bushings stuff I'm just not feeling the need to swipe the Mastercard like I was at the break of the century. So I figured I'd ask this question straight-up.



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As you reminded us, yes, we are in a recession. I'd be happy if I could afford an off the rack SG Standard. I don't know where you're getting another stimulus check from but if one miraculously appears here, that's gonna be spent on the house note. Your tone gets my back up and I don't mean the one from your '61 reissue. If you have a mastercard to swipe you're one up on most people these days.

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