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Which Grovers For The Casino?


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One of the many upgrades I'd like to perform on my Casino is replacing the stock tuners. They stock ones certainly aren't the worst, but I think I nice set of Grover Rotomatics would look nice and work very reliably. I'm confused as to which size to get. At the Stew Mac website they have "Full-Size" Rotos, "Midsize" and finally "Mini". Here's the URL to the page at Stew Mac. Anyone know which ones fit the Casino alright?






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One consideration is the screw hole/tab location on the tuner body.. on the full-size tuners, the screw hole is centered below the peg hole. The mid and mini tuners have the screw holes off to the side.

It may not be important to some folks, but not needing to make more holes is a "plus" to me.


Other factors are the tuner body sizes and button sizes.. they get smaller going from full-size to minis. There are different wind ratios for different models, some are 14:1, others are 18:1.

Many of the sealed die-cast tuners (with threaded bushings installed from the front), require headstock holes to be nearly 10mm diameter. The headstock holes don't need to be 10mm all the way thru, only about 10mm or 3/8" depth from the back side needs to be about 10mm diameter (the threaded bushings don't actually require a 10mm hole diameter).


BTW, the Wilkinson brand tuners are available with the same body types and button sizes as the Grovers.. I saw new Wilkinson full-size with Deco buttons (and 18:1 ratio) on eBay for half the price of the S-M price.





One of the many upgrades I'd like to perform on my Casino is replacing the stock tuners. They stock ones certainly aren't the worst, but I think I nice set of Grover Rotomatics would look nice and work very reliably. I'm confused as to which size to get. At the Stew Mac website they have "Full-Size" Rotos, "Midsize" and finally "Mini". Here's the URL to the page at Stew Mac. Anyone know which ones fit the Casino alright?



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