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Help with Epi Ft-350bl


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So a couple years ago I started picking regularly, note picking not playing...yet. At any rate I was looking for a decent starter guitar and found this.. remember I lived in Juneau AK so pickings were slim and postage ridiculously expensive. Guy said he bought it new in 72' It sounded awesome, full bright notes and I loved it so i bought it for $250 with original case. I knew this person aside from this transaction and trusted him so I was confident and happy with my purchase.


At any rate while I was on a work trip and my mother in law was visiting she though it was pretty and took it out and left it on it's stand in a room. well we have massive humidity swings and either that caused this or it was knocked off it's stand while i was gone a now there is a crack in the top shoulder of the guitar it goes through to the inside but is not soft and I can not move it usig moderate pressure. tone seems unaffected. Is this guitar worth taking to a lutheir to get this repaired? Also I am assuming the original saddle and pins are plastic? If they are and this thing is worth fixing which I think it is is it worth the $60 to go to bone saddle and bridge pins. I like the guitar as it sounds but if the bone would make it that much sweeter..... I have a newborn so expenditures on spendy guitars is out for the next couple years.


thanks for the time and information I greatly appreciate it.






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Unless it changes I would think to just leave it as it is, its not really going to change the sound from where it is and eventually once the money tightens up for you then maybe have a cleat placed on it ( $30-40 bucks ) but keep the saddle sometimes changing over to bone does not always give you a nicer sound.


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  • 1 year later...

Well thought i would post an update. Had a local luthier put a clean on the crack he found a cracked brace as well and fixed that. The twang I was getting is now gone. I have been playing a ton more and think it's worth it to invest in a bone sadle. I performed a hack job on the nut trying to lower the action some so while the saddle work is performed a bone nut will go in as well, and at that point matching pins just make sense since i will never part with this guitar. It's bright,and great for strumming. I am interested to see if the bone will give it even more sustain.


I have started trying to learn finger picking and I find th3 350 to be a bit harsh. So i went and started looking for a compliment, I played a martin D-28 and Gibson something or other. did not see 1K + difference from my ft350 vs the Gibson I am however in love with the D-28 sadly the price tag means I will have to finish grad school before I get to own one.

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