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P100 question

Jammin' Joe

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Is a P100 the same thing as what people call a "P90 with a dummy coil" or are they two different types of pickups? I recently bought an '01Special (Junior?) with what I was told were P90's, but when I opened it up it had stacked coils. I thought they were P100's, but then I read about P90's with dummy coils. Are they the same thing?

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Nope- not the same.


P-100's are full on stacked humbuckers. You can't really split the coils, because they are too hot to be usable that way.


They are quiet, and have generally the same frequency range and sound, but they lack the harminics and interaction that makes a P-90 great. They sound EXTREMELY bland when compared to a P-90.


There are lots that think the P-100 sounds fine, or even good, and don't choose to switch. But the GOOD news, is that if think they sound good, then a switch to actual P-90's is a guareentee of an across the board upgrade in every area, and to a large degree. (except, noise, obviously- P-90's are NOISY)

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