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1978 RD Artist Bass


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I recently purchased an original Gibson RD Artist Bass in black. I bought a new RD Artist in May 1978, which I still have, and these both appear to be the same guitar. They sound and feel exactly the same.


All the Moog electronics work perfectly. The only difference between the 2 guitars is the addition of a finger rest below the "G" string. I believe it to be a 1978 model. However, the serial number doesn't jibe with any of the serial number resources I have found. It appears that the back of the headstock, just above the "A and D" tuning pegs, had been refinished and a new number stamped over it. The current number is: 13672 - stamped in smaller # fonts than my other RD. On the right side, just beyond the "2" is an "8" that's still visible under the refinish - which matches the # fonts of my original.


I addressed this with a Sweetwater rep, and he suggested that this may have been a Gibson Custom.


I contacted Gibson customer service, and I seem to know more about the RD than they do.


I'm trying to figure out exactly what I have here.


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I can't help you with your questions, but I had a '77 RD Artist in KetchupBurst (Fireburst actually). I liked a lot of things about it but eventually it went for something else. Even though all the Moog goodies worked I preferred the sound with all of that off. I thought the pickups were great passive. They're well made basses that are quite good with all the gizmology putting them off the beaten path. A substantial hunk of wood without a doubt.


Nice score - good luck with it.

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I can't help you with your questions, but I had a '77 RD Artist in KetchupBurst (Fireburst actually). I liked a lot of things about it but eventually it went for something else. Even though all the Moog goodies worked I preferred the sound with all of that off. I thought the pickups were great passive. They're well made basses that are quite good with all the gizmology putting them off the beaten path. A substantial hunk of wood without a doubt.


Nice score - good luck with it.


I agree on the Moog electronics. I used it straight as well. For much of the '80's I had that monster strapped to me.. and loved the weight of it.

On the other end of the spectrum, I also have a couple of Hofner 500/1. The RD strap is heavier.

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