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William Baerga

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Everything posted by William Baerga

  1. Hey All I believe I found the answer and a fix for the static problem on Gibson guitars it has nothing to do with the Finish on the Guitar or the pickups the first thing is you have to do is shield the entire guitar control cavity, switch cavity, jack cavity the plastic on the jack the switch plate the pickup cavity neck and Bridge I mean all of it also you then have to check continuity with a multi meter there are videos on you tube that show you how to shield your guitar now once this is all done if you have Gibson original controls in your cavity there are wires that are on the claw that have to be corrected the wires that are coming from the switch have to be redone, the thin Black wire has to be by itself on the left prong if you have two wires connected to that prong meaning the black and a ground you must remove the bare wire now once you remove the Bare wire you must connect it with the green wire that is on the right side of the prong with the black wire that is coming from the jack the bare wire sometimes has a yellow shielding on it you must braid them together and connect to the prong on the right before you put back your cavity cover check all your connections to make sure no other wires came loose or disconnected the plug your Guitar and check to make sure its working properly meaning Volume and tone for both pickups if so then put your covers back on making Sure the the screws tighten up and they are not stripped if so use a toothpick insert it in the screw hold and break it off as close as possible the put the cover back and screw it down to make contact. now with your meter check to see if all the screws are grounded if not make sure you overlapped your shielding properly is so plug in your guitar and give a test run making it's all working the rub your hand all up and down the back of the neck and back of your guitar you should be static free and the guitar should be quite when you let go of the strings Good luck hope this works it did for me. it should look like this. thank you
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