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Everything posted by egoidealmusic

  1. So as I was just giving the new 45 a little loving polishing after a hard banging, I was looking at the spruce top (which is really gorgeious). While I assume most tops have fluctuation in the grain (sometimes tighter, sometimes wider depending on the weather, etc. the tree goes through) is there a difference in sound between tops that have more tight vs, wide woodgrain? Is that pure aesthetics, or is there a difference in tonality? I'd thing that tighter would mean denser, but that's based on absolutley nothing. When folks look for prime cuts of wood, is one preferable to the other? Also, and unrelated to that question, I have to say I've been amazed hearing this guitar open up over the weekend of some pretty heavy playing. I swear I could hear moments when the secondary tones (or whatever you'd call them) really started to bloom, and I'd also swear that I can hear her getting either louder or more pronounced. Absolutely in love with this one. Still just waiting for her to tell me her name.
  2. And BoSox, no, it wasn't sticky at all and when tapped on with a pick sounded solid. In looking more and more I think it's just a beautifully thin coating which, while allowing for more scratches and accelerated aging, really lets the top sing.
  3. Haha very good to know, E-minor, and very much appreciated!
  4. I definitely agree with your friend, Zomby! And I've heard that laquer does take that long to really cure, which is totally fine with me. One of the best looking vintage 45s I've seen (early mid 50s) had a huge and deep scratch above the soundhole that definitely looked like it happened before it was totally solid, and yet gave it amazing character, Kind of like the scar on my forehead from where my sister shoved me into a door when I was 3. Agian, I may need a shirnk for those issues.... 🙂
  5. Thanks, E-minor. And I'm toally connecting with this guitar even more so than the first I had (so it's not like I'm even remotely thinking about wanting to send it back or anything) and, as I mentioned, couldn't care less if she gets scarred in the process of our bonding (that sounds like I need a shrink, but I'm sure hard strummers get it). Like I said, I don't care about the cosmetics of it at all--and even love the look of a guitar that has been thoroughly played--but just didn't want to cause a problem down the road.
  6. So, still totally loving this new 50s 45 they sent me (the sound really is even better than the last I had to send back--see other post), but I've noticed that after only a couple of days it looks like I've been baging on it for a year. I'm a strummer, and often a hard strummer, and play with at least a .60 pick (though often a .72) and I'm seeing some pretty good marks in the finish--even serrated matching the wood grain. Honestly I couldn't care less as it's looking like an older guitar than it really is (and I bought this to play, not to keep in a case and sell down the road), but I'm wondering if I should ease off on the harder stuff in case the nitro isn't fully cured (set? hardened? whatever) yet. Like I said, I don't care about it getting scarred from playing, but if I should ease up for a couple of weeks I can. Otherwise, I'll keep banging away. Thoughts from my wiser Gibson peers?
  7. I'll have to make sure about the capo as I tend to keep my Kyser there when not in use! (Well, not when it's in the case)
  8. Thanks for the advice, Dave. I'm used to leaving the straps on by this is my first nitro finish so I'll be sure to remove before putting back in the case! And it already has, MIssouri!
  9. This just rolled up on my Youtube suggestions, and I'm curious as to your thoughts. I've seen some comparison clips between the Gibsons and these Epis, but wondered what your take on this guy's opinions are. As for me, I'm most happy with my Gibson, and I've played Epis for years (though haven't played any of these new models).
  10. Haha those are my work shoes, but I do appreciate some old timey music (though I'm not good enough to do it justice). And no, the CSI team misses nothing! They're Doc Marten wingtips, so I'll also be banging out some punk tunes on it as well, I promise. 🙂
  11. Congrats. Huley! Would love to see a pic your new girl as I don't think the pics on the Gibson website do them justice.
  12. Thanks, all! I'll admit I'm even more in love with this one than the previous one. One thing I've noticed, though--and this isn't a new complaint--is that she's just a touch heavier than the previous one. I'm guessing because the previous had at least a couple of months for the wood to continue to dry out. Guessing that's why some folks comment on the torrified top guitars being so much lighter than non-torrified guitars. Either way, she feels like home!
  13. Other than it not being 70 years old or so it's going to be a great honeymoon...wait, that sounds all wrong...but she does feel good in my arms!
  14. It's a 50s inspired model (or whatever they call it). Love the big chunky neck and the batwing pickguard. And defintley a cool (if long) story of it getting me, Jazzman. I definitely feel like Gibson righted their wrong in the best kind of way!
  15. Thanks, Jalex and Paul! She does sound a bit newer somehow, but it's also a more balanced sound I think.
  16. Thanks, gumbino! A number of the folks here said they'd hand pick one, and it seems pretty clear that they did. The pic doesn't do it justice but the top is beautiful and textured with these gorgeous subtle stripes--along the center seem is almost this hint of blonde. I'm only typing now because my fingers got sore from playing!
  17. So, my replacement J-45 finally arrived today, and she's even more beautiful than the last! And that first big G chord hit really hard was true and loud and rang on forever. And, almost as if they knew I hated the extra strap button on the heel, this one came without it. Trying to figure out how to post a photo but the file size is too damn big! Until then, you can see her here: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=134994322154182&set=a.101308988856049 Now she just needs a name.
  18. Definitely agree with your choice--that is gorgeous! On a black one, though, I admit I like the tuxedo look as well.
  19. Not sure if anyone here has purchased from here (I haven't) but you might check this out: http://www.terrapinguitars.com/index2_php.php?content=acousticContent
  20. Thanks, Dave--I hope I'm as lucky as you were! Will update with a pic soon.
  21. Well, Gibson has made the decision for me! Got an email today that a brand spanking new 50s J-45 was shipping out today! I'm guessing that it had been hand picked out of batch that's not even hit the website yet (still says out of stock). It's funny, as soon as I'd decided that the J-50 was the way to go, fate decided differently. Needless to say, I'm super excited to get, stare in awe for a minute, and hit a big G chord really hard and hear it sing!
  22. Thanks for the thoughts, everyone, and I decided to give Gibson a call today. I said unless a 45 is rolling off the line this week that I'd actually prefer a handpicked and slightly aged 50. The rep I spoke to said that unless there's some complication wtih it being a different sku # (even though it's the exact same guitar minus the coloring) he didn't see why it should be a problem and that he'd call me tomorrow. As I thought about it, I think fortyearspickn is spot on. A handpicked one is far more important than the color. And I kind of like the surprise element. Will update when I hear back!
  23. Again, the striping on that top is beautiful. Now I'm more torn than ever!
  24. Here's another question/complicaiton: Given that the J-50 is still in stock (is traditionally less popular) it's been sitting for a bit versus a J-45 that will theoretically come off the line in a week or so (from what they told me), does this matter? Would you prefer something that's had 6 months to a year to age vs. something set out today? Would it impact tone at all? Would that time sitting there be good or not really matter?
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