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Everything posted by egoidealmusic

  1. Kidblast, what do you suggest for fret sprout? Is that just something that needs to be filed down (not by me)? And Philfish it definitely is hot here, but given the proximity to FLA there's quite a bit of rain and humidity. That being said, the AC does run quite a bit.
  2. Thanks for all the thoughts, folks. I live in deept southern Georgia (think just north of the FLA line) so the humidy is general pretty high here even now (it's going to be almost 80 degrees and the fog is quite heavy). This guitar has always been quite loud but I have noticed the fret ends starting to protude just a touch. I keep the guitar out next to me at all times as I pick it up multiple times a day if I'm at home, so it may be a good time to use one of those humidipacks that they sent with the guitar. Guess I should get a humidy guage just to keep an eye on things!
  3. HI all, So I've had my 50s J-45 since August and am wondering when I should start giving it hydration. It was brand new from the factory so I wanted it to dry out some but don't want it to go too far. Thoughts? Thanks!
  4. That's gorgeous. I'd bid on a denim blue J-45 a couple of years ago but didn't get it. Probably for the best as it needed some pretty serious work, but loved the unusual look of it
  5. I've always loved the look of the belly up, personally. I didn't come into playing acoustics as I was a punk kid, but all of the players/songwriters who were playing acoustics all seems to favor old J-45s so the belly up look was just something I was drawn to. Martins with the belly down seemed to be what the fancy player were playing, so I just felt drawn to the belly up look. The question was about pure aesthetics, which is a totally valid question in my opinion. Sound is always first, but the question was, all things being equal which would you prefer, and I prefer the belly up look. The 50's J-45 I ended up with (see that story elsewhere) was chosen for sound, looks, and the chunky neck I wanted, so I think it's really about all three of those to find the guitar that's right for you. Belly up, batwing, big fat neck is my vote.
  6. I love the look of the belly up bridge, and I love that Maritin folks just look confused by it! Second choice is the the rectangle, but preferably on a L-00.
  7. I've got a set of these that I'll put on my 45 after the current monels wear out (or I just get bored one day and do it). How are folks finding the lifespan on the Sunbeams?
  8. Tim Tim do you think slotting the bridge has improved the tone? I've been a heretic for many years on many things, so if it gets the sounds I want I don't mind being one again!
  9. I just said this on another post I'd started about pin for a J-45, but I'm really loving ebony on the high 3 and Tusq on the low 3. Maybe that's just my girl, but I'm really impressed by the balanced tone I'm getting right now.
  10. This makes me incredibly sad and cautiously optimistic at the same time.... She can come back!
  11. So in the name of an update, I've gone with (black) Tusq pins on the low 3 strings and ebony pins (from StewMac) on the high 3, and I'm loving it so far. I really like the ways the ebony pins setlled the high end down and made her warmer, but disliked the way that the ebony made the low end muddy, but I think this has really helped me find the right balance I'm looking for. Still using the Martin Retro Monels (which I disliked at first but have eased into a really great sound) and feel like I'm really dialing in the sound I'm looking for. Got some Sunbeam strings I'm going to try next time I change, but am really loving the tone right now. Only complaint is the heads on the ebony pins are a good bit larger than the Tusq, but I know I'm the only one who would notice. Thanks for all the thoughts, folks!
  12. Those are gorgeous, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who make some choices based purely (or at least mostly) on aesthetics! Would love to see a pic of that headstock!
  13. Awesome--just ordered some black tusq pins (plenty of other guitars to spread the love) and will update in a few days!
  14. So I ended up ordering some ebony bridge pins from StewMac. After putting them on, I really like how they've tamed (or mellowed) the high end, but they seem to be muddying the low end--the attack is not as sharp. Overall it's a bit quieter than before which is fine as this thing is a cannon. Am going to play for a few days to see what I think, but am wondering if using the original tusq pins on the low 3 and the ebony on the high 3 might get me exactly where I want to be. Anyone tried a mix and match like this before, and if so what did you think? Aesthetically, I love the look of the black so I'd likely order a set of black tusq to keep that consistent look.
  15. That's great to know about them fitting on your J-45, ALD323. I'd gotten those exact Martin ebony pins for a new Epiphone EL-00 and had have the holes enlarged a bit for them to fit, which is not something I'm looking to do to my J!
  16. This is exactly the tone I'm going for, ALD323, which is why i'm thinking of the ebony pins. Is there a certain brand you like? I was looking at the Waverly on StewMac, but am open to whatever gets that growl (a term I've used before on here to greater and lesser effect).
  17. So, after reading a number of posts on this I'm considering trying out ebony or bone pins instead of the Tusq, but I'm curious about 3 things: 1. As far as tone, for those with a new J, do you prefer bone or ebony, and why? 2. As far as aesthetics, I know white (or off white) is the standard, but I've seen a couple of vintage J-45s with black and it's a pretty killer look. Preferences, assuming tone is the same despite the color? 3. Am I correct that newer Gibsons use the standard size 1 now?
  18. Yeah, I get that it's a bit strong (though I did see the previous video and there was some really rough workmanship in that guitar), but I do think it's a pretty interesting take on brand loyaty. That being said, I'm banging on my J-45 and loving it...
  19. How interesting that while the J-45 is the more famous of the two, here the J-50 is prioritized and pictured!
  20. Thank you! I'm wondering if I'd prefer the darker as I'm assuming there would be a bit more bottom end?
  21. Are these the strings folks are talking about? https://www.amazon.com/DAddario-Phosphor-Bronze-Acoustic-Strings/dp/B07TGX59RB/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwzOqKBhAWEiwArQGwaG9y8HYFP36-kqTKvDZ2l7NNMNuB6xAAu0u2RSf0-2bKrY7IZ46utRoC4YcQAvD_BwE&hvadid=518231869350&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9011338&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=10469496139985351506&hvtargid=kwd-1239112432068&hydadcr=29645_10190482&keywords=d'addario+xt+strings&qid=1633383005&sr=8-3
  22. Thanks for the thoughts, all. Has anyone tried their coated PB coated?
  23. Hi all, So, as you know I've not been too thrilled with the Martin Retro strings I tried, so I want to go back to what was originally installed on her when she arrived. The Gibson site says the guage, but not which type of Gibson strings. Anyone know which are the stock they use?
  24. Ok, so maybe it's a linguistic thing, but I was playing with my buddy last night and I asked him how my guitar sounded with the new strings. He'd heard the guitar many times before and raved about the sound. He said that it sounded generally good but when I went to an E minor it lacked, and his words, "a bark to it." I asked what he meant (he was playing an older J-35) and he described it as an almost rattley low end. I think of this sound on really old guitars, that sharp but woody thump. I think it really just might be my playing style but thought I'd pass it on. Open to suggestions to get that sound! I think it's really the definition on the low E that's the issue. It's there as a general tone, but the low E string itself is getting lost in the sound.
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