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  1. Update.. thought I should let you guys know the outcome of this.. the guitar ended up going back to Gibson to look at… they said it was no good and sent me a new one. It was cracked along the tenon joint. the new one played out the box and I have only had to tune it a handful of times since October last year.. so all good now 👍 again thanks for all your help and suggestions
  2. Yes quite.. I get my next one from thonmans I think 🤔
  3. Yes.. sorry not sure why it’s sideways but there she is 🤘🏼
  4. This was my thinking.. and my 2mm estimate was wrong the action is sweet now at 1.7 low E and 1.1 high e.. what a turn up for the books.. considering it wouldn’t even go down too 2.5.. and again sorry for all the hassle and measurements.. I will now have some catching up to do.. not sure what’s happened but I’ll take it!
  5. Just thought I’d give a closing conundrum for you all.. after all the issues I’ve stated the wood fairy must have heard me and straightened the neck over night.. ?? i am dumbfounded! I got the guitar back from the shop and although it hadn’t changed any.. I spent 3 nights going over everything and got it nearly setup so it just sounded a bit off and was still choking out above the 14th on all strings.. I tried raising the action etc.. but it was to high to play properly.. it was a bit like my classical guitar.. I then left it over night and then took it to my friends house for him to see.. took her out the case and I proceeded to check tuning then we jammed for an hour or so.. low and behold no more choking out and neck was straight ( believe me when I say this.. that neck has been twisting about like it must have thought it was still on the tree.. I have never seen any guitar do the things this has done!) obviously baffled my friend and myself to the point of laughing whilst scratching our heads.. I was then able to lower the action to around 2mm with no issues whatsoever and tweaked the intonation to as good as it can be.. the nut slots are slightly tight but it tunes and more importantly has stayed in tune for almost a week now and has started to open up a bit. again no idea wtf has happened and touch wood the neck has figured out where it’s supposed to be and supposed to be doing now. 🤯😂 but so far so good 👍 again thanks for all the help guys and gals and sorry for hassles and now I definitely want to keep her after this magical mystery tour although I don’t understand why I am putting it down to the wood not quite finished seasoning or the trip from Nashville to Nottingham uk introduced more moisture. but she’s tuned across the board and playing now so happy days obviously any ideas or contact details for the wood fairy are welcome 😂
  6. I’m using regular slinky 10’s. But it doesn’t matter now as I can see I’m just p**sing everyone off now so I’ll sign off from this and wish you all well and thanks for all advice and help/thoughts. take it easy.
  7. I’m just following what Gibsons master luthier (Jim De Cola) says to do, which is check both fat and thin strings relief to check if they are within tolerance.. which is between .012 as highest tolerance and .005 as lowest tolerance. Now maybe I’m getting it wrong but if it’s not within that tolerance bracket then something is not right?. I’m sorry if I seem to be annoying but I’m not sure why if I’m following Gibson procedure.
  8. So.. got it back from the shop today.. found a piece of paper in the case saying repair on it.. and it does now stay in tune.. but all the high strings are choking out all the way up the neck.. I checked the relief and it’s .010 on the low E and .003 on the high e.. what do you guys and gals think..?
  9. Hi, I’ve called the shop yesterday to enquire if the guitar has been returned to them yet and if I will get a copy of the report to keep with the guitar and was told this could be arranged and they will let me know when I can go and collect it. But I’ll try once more to get them to replace it and if “I can’t get no satisfaction” I’ll take it to their customer service and try Gibson again.. hopfully this will be resolved and I’ll be checking to see if the neck has moved anymore as I have all the details from previous checks written down.. so we shall see..
  10. I just had a look at my emails from Gibson Europe and one of them says to inquire with the shop if they can get a replacement or refund to me, so that seems that they didn’t even want it to be assessed.. my disabilities strike again and I have buggered up a straight forward replacement for some unknown reason 🤯🤦‍♂️.. any thoughts on how to salvage the situation.. although I’m sure I’ve told the shop Gibson have told me to return it as I had spoken to them not knowing how the process works and to be honest, which I explained to them, and they weren’t to happy about it.
  11. Thanks for the info, I had emailed Gibson who had said it wasn’t normal for the issues explained and they had said to take i back to the shop immediately for help with warranty issues so that’s what I’ve done and am now at this point as stated in this topic.. but I think I may have to give them a call.. but again I’m not rich or anything and I assume calling the Gibson Europe will be a fairly big bill to add to all the price hikes we’re all experiencing currently.. not being tight, just trying to follow the rules and being taken for a ride by the looks of things.
  12. 👍 sounds like a plan.. as tbh this has taken up too much of my time as it is..
  13. Thanks for replying, this was my thinking, it just doesn’t sit well with me on a musician to musician sale, as we all know and want that one instrument.
  14. Although by no means does this make me an expert.. as I’m not a luthier.. I’m a player.. I will take it to a luthier to look at and if they say it’s normal as the shop have said, then I will accept that and give it to the luthier to setup and will probably never do anything more than change the strings on that guitar as it will obviously not work the same way all my others work.. just out of interest.. anyone own a Les Paul custom that developed crazing/ cracking finish from the heel up one side all the way to the end of the fretboard after a couple of weeks? If this is as they say “normal” then I will put it down to experience and bow out quietly..
  15. i don’t mean that to sound like an insult or anything, just trying to explain a bit of where I’m at.. and like I said before if I can’t get it replaced for whatever reason I’ll just sort it myself.. but my point is I shouldn’t have to.. as i only bought it 31st December 2021 and these issues have happened in this short space of time, and if it was my first guitar I wouldn’t have noticed any tonal difference like the first guitar I bought as a boy that cost £40 and I played till it eventually gave up the ghost many years later by not being able to tune all chords but that was after many years of abuse.. I didn’t learn the conventional way due to circumstances,, I learned by ear and trial and error.. listening to songs off the radio and then figuring them out and writing them down so I could practice them.. so I trust my ears.. if it doesn’t sound right and I can’t have all cords in tune at the same time then something is not right.. I have played guitars with slightly twisted necks that have been ok and could ignore any slight tonal issues as these guitars were cheap and generally used for partying and getting passed round the fire. But I’m not willing to ignore any playability issue with a brand new Gibson custom. Again not trying to offend or anything just confused with this whole scenario.
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