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Posts posted by PrairieDog

  1. The virus needed to be aerosolized  to spread.  It was carried in droplets of mucus.  So if you kept mucus from leaving your face, you couldn’t spread it.  Again, how hard is it to understand the mask was NOT TO KEEP YOU SAFE, BUT TO KEEP YOU FROM SPREADING YOUR GERMS TO OTHER PEOPLE????!!! 

    And, you all realize people really died from covid at far higher rates than any other modern flu or other disease, right?  And every single one was killed by a contagious person.  How on earth can any of you just blow that off as “personal choice”? To walk around not doing what you can to help keep people from dying?  Why bother to stop at a red light?  Hey, it’s really a personal choice, right?  You had just as much chance of getting killed  by covid as a traffic accident during those years.

    This “me at any cost” is so different than the world I came of age in.  This was not ordinary flu…  you are lucky you all made it through.  The 1918 flu didn’t kill off the planet either, but folks gladly  did what they could to keep their families safe without all this chest thumping and fist waving.  

    Go visit a cemetery and walk around and take a census of how many fresh 2020-2022 graves there are,  compared to other years, especially of otherwise healthy young people.  

    We live in an area that thought masking was just a stunt… and most folks in my county knew someone or lost at least one extended or immediate family member.  We were working on a job in the township over, and the homeowner was out ranting on, just like here, about what a joke masks and vaccines to our crew, all “my choice” even denying it was real, and what a conspiracy it all was.  Three months later,  I’m not kidding, he died of covid, living his widow impoverished and unable to take care of the little farm they lived in for decades …. she made a point of putting that in his obit.  Tell me he really “chose” to hurt her and ruin her life like that? No, he arrogantly gambled, playing Russian roulette and lost.  

    You all able to carry on the wailing about how horrid being asked to wear a little piece of cloth or paper over your face to help keep other people alive, are only here still by luck and probably a strong immune system.  

    Millions of good people and children, just like you, weren’t so lucky.  When are you all going to get over all this self-righteous rationalization for what boils down to basic sociopathic arrogance that your “beliefs” are more important than a child’s life.  Yeah, okay, before I get kicked, I’m checking out…. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I am pretty sure Pink Eye is contagious, and been around for a long time, yet I remember no one I knew having it wearing eye patches. 

    I’m no disease expert, but I’m pretty darn sure any new disease like 19 that no one had any immunity too is gonna make people sick or worse. Now we barely hear about it. In 2022 it was all we were talking about 24/7. We must have heard COVID 100+ times a day back then. I knew it was going to be a matter of time and it would start to lessen. 

    Pink eye doesn’t “spew”  and isn’t deadly.  And yes, because no one had any immunity was exactly why we needed to do whatever we can to stop the spread.  Not sure what your logic is that justifies millions of preventable deaths until the bug was stopped or mutated enough to become less lethal.  People are still dying of covid here, and especially in the third world, just not at the same epidemic rates.  

    What no one talks about is the viable life time of the virus appeared to be about 14 days.  If China would have just shut down every for two weeks so it couldn’t jump to new hosts and out of the country, the whole thing would have been over in less than a month.  But no, dithering and denial all around the planet let it take root and burn through the population for two years.   

  3. 31 minutes ago, Revelation said:

    I am surprised that no one on the Gibson forum are familiar with these pickups. 



    Well, I have no idea, I’m an acoustic nerd, but just looking back at your original question, it’s a bit confusing.  On the one hand you are asking if they are original, but then you quote a google article with no source seeming to answer your question they are, but they are mislabeled.  So you seem to have answered your question, and I’m not sure what you are really asking.  Are you just fishing to confirm you have a rare, valuable unicorn? Or are you really interested in the pickups and what they can do?  I just have a hard time believing that a major manufacturer could mis-patent/label a part for over a decade… after all, it’s a pretty complicated process with lawyers and all.  You’d think they would catch the error the first time they went to reorder stock, or something needed to be repaired.  

  4. 11 hours ago, Sheepdog1969 said:

    I feel you brother. The home I grew up in, is in Barrington Hills, IL.   The road our small neighborhood is connected to boarders a massive forest preserve. My Father's property backs up to this road, [Bateman Rd.], and there is nothing but thousands of acres of woods on the opposite side of Bateman from my Dad's place.  Bateman Rd. is tree covered, scenic, and curvy, with no shoulder to speak of and tons of blind hills/curves.

    For as long as I can remember, Bateman, [and many other similar roads in Barrington Hills}, have been listed as "Scenic Routes", and are frequented by sight seers in cars and on motorcycles. I can attest that cruising my motorcycle, [or convertible Boxter]  down these roads in Barrington Hills, is wonderful. However, these same roads are also a magnet for cyclists. You know, the 10 speed kind, with their tight fitting, vibrantly colored,  spandex unitards. No matter the day, there are always a few peddling about. But the weekends bring out gangs, most with 20+ riders, who refuse to ride single file, [as required], but fill an entire lane, while out for their "Tour du tard.".  There is nothing like rounding a blind curve/hill at 35mph, only to find your lane completely blocked with middle aged cyclists going 15mph.  It's one thing to hit a deer on a blind curve/hill, but hitting a cyclist is something else. First, in Illinois, you can "harvest" your own road kill, [after simply reporting it to local PD], but apparently that does not apply to cyclist "road kill". I can eat my harvested deer road kill, and even make a coat from it's hide. I'm told this does not apply to cyclist "road kill", even if your name is Buffalo Bill.  Secondly, deer typically do not carry cell phones with personal injury attorneys on speed dial. Now, to be clear, I am an avid cyclist, [who doesn't wear spandex, btw], and I have nothing against riding a bike. But, if I have to follow the rules of the road, so should these arrogant posers. [I mean the cyclists, not the deer.]

    [as a side note, the State of Illinois, Cook County, Lake County, McHenry County, Kane County, and DuPage County ALL have thousands of miles of PAVED, two lane, walking/biking trails with-in their extensive forest preserve systems, which are far safer than narrow, two lane, no shoulder, hilly/curvy, public roads.]

    Oy! Yeah, we had those clowns briefly try to claim the same state highway one year.  Nothing like coming over a hill and around a bend at 55 to see a herd of them in front of you in the lane.  Holy crap! I think the tire squeals are still on the pavement there.  Then when you give them what-for as you pass in the oncoming lane, they give YOU attitude, saying “the rules say we have a right to the road too!” You may have the right, buy geeze buddy, along with the right comes the responsibility for having enough common sense to stay alive! But it does sound like your dad lives in a gorgeous part of the state.  

    • Thanks 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Sheepdog1969 said:

    1. Not "thinking", but blindly following in an incompetent manner, and/or simply "virtue signaling".

    2., I bet they were wearing a week old paper mask riddled with bacteria, mold, and viruses, and not a less than 4 hour old N95.

    3. Bacteria/virus transmission is not limited to respiratory orifices, [mouth and nose]. Unprotected eyes present exposure risks as well.  [note: properly fitted N95 masks may partially work for blocking viruses/bacteria, but they don't fit well on the eyes, and they tend to block vision. Properly fitted/sealed non-vented goggles are preferable. Weird how they were never discussed or mandated by the government, or worn by the "paper mask sheeple".].

    4. Paper masks are impossible to "seal", are not made from effective filtering materials, and thus provide miniscule protection, at best. N95 masks have only moderately better "fitment" abilities, despite their enhanced material's filtering capabilities. Thus, even N95's cannot provide consistent protection for the wearer.

    I use an age old method of protection; Lick everything, play in the dirt, drink out of hoses, eat healthy, move your body, and allow your immune system to generate your natural immunity by exposing it to what's out there, [in moderate doses]. Unfortunately, this method of protection won't prevent you from getting "love blisters" from that random hook-up you go home with late night after bars, [so says a friend]. 


    Just to clarify, again, the mask was NEVER primarily to protect the wearer.  It was to prevent infected people from spewing their virus laden sneezes and coughs all over everybody else.  So perfect fit was not the issue, it was containment.  Since larger droplets were more likely to carry farther and contain more virus, the masks were an effective barrier against projectile infections.  

    To your “virtue signaling” comment, you’re wielding it wrong.  The folks who only partially covered their faces were expressing their Oppositional Defiance Disorder: “fine, I’ll follow your dumb rule, but I’m gonna make sure I show my disdain for it by not doing it correctly, and in the process I don’t care who I might harm.”  

    FACT: Every single person who died or is now seriously debilitated from the pandemic, was infected by someone else who was walking around contagious.  In the beginning it was forgivable, we didn’t know.  After it was proven that staying home, masks, and then vaccines cut down significantly on the speed of transmission and seriousness of  infections, anyone who didn’t make at least an effort to help prevent the spread ought to ponder that. The “never masker/vaxxer” will never know the grandma or asthmatic kid at the grocery store they ended up killing who had the misfortune of walking through the cloud of germs from that uncovered cough.  

    And, god I abhor that VS term, can we please retire it? It brings nothing good to the table.  It is usually only wielded by the folks who feel defensive and called out when other people are generally behaving generously, or with kindness. I really did not expect to hear it coming from you, who wrote that lovely post here about being nice and taking care with fellow forum members.  See, someone else might call that “virtue signaling.” 

  6. I’m wondering if anyone knows and has figured out the guitar part to the above song or can point me to a resource?  

    I downloaded the sheet music from her site, but it turns out it was just the song lead, not the accompaniment.  So I have the chords, but the melodic riffs and breaks are a bit beyond my ear to figure out just yet.  I found one video showing a fellow playing it, but I can’t quite see what his hands are doing.

     I have a request for the song, and it’s an awful nice one, so any help anyone could offer would be very very much appreciated.  

  7. We live just off the St Croix River, NE of the Twin Cities. Unfortunately the only road that serves us is also one of the most popular drives for folks heading up north to Wisconsin in the summer so Thursdays and Fridays and Sunday nights are just one long winding stream of traffic in whichever direction folks are heading.  

    It’s even worse during fall leaf peeping, with quaint destination towns and three state parks on the route.  

    Our road is consistently rated as “one of the best fall day trips from the Twin Cities.”  You don’t know road rage until you are stuck behind a blue mini-van going 45 miles an hour on the highway, folks inside pointing at all the “pretty trees,” while your dog is next to you gasping as you are trying to get to the emergency vet with no where to pass for 20 miles.  I was sure she was going to die before we could get there.    

    I want to put up billboards that say, “Folks, glance in your rearview occasionally.  If you see a mile long train of cars behind you, or even three cars, do a kindness and pull over on the shoulder and let the folks that actually need to be someplace get there!” Arghhh!! 

    • Upvote 1
  8. 16 hours ago, Phil OKeefe said:

    If you have the photos on your desktop (or phone), you can just drag them straight into the message box as you're prepping your post and they'll post here just fine, with no photo hosting app needed. 

    Here's a picture of my dog, Brandi. 




    After my experiences with Photobucket, I gave up on photo-hosting sites entirely. 

    Oh, man I love the brindles! What a beautiful dog. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, DanvillRob said:

    Yes....my younger brother.... he lives near Reno.....sometimes play The Red Dog Saloon......I'm going to visit him for a few days in October..... hopefully we'll make some videos I can share.

    he bears an uncanny resemblance to Fred  Armisen. I confess, I was waiting for a punchline! 

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  10. 1 minute ago, DanvillRob said:

    No, the wife does not sing a lick....she tells the true story of when our son was very little, she was singing him a lullaby.....he reached up and pinched her lips shut!

    Ooooh, ouch!  What do kids know? Chuckle.   As my vocal coach always said, everyone  can sing.  she just needs to find her voice.  On my end, we had a dog that was just inconsolable at the vet.  It took 3 techs and us to hold her still for any procedure.  I started la la laing over her whimpering to mask the sound and offer a distraction.  She stopped for a second and looked at me.  I stopped, she started crying again.  So I la la’ed again.  She stopped.  The vet told me to keep going, so I sang the first song that popped into my head: the chorus from Dougie McClean’s Caledonia.  And whaddya know? She calmed down as long as I was making a worse noise than she was 😆 The vet wrote in the notes “have [PD] sing during procedures.   

    • Like 1
  11. Just mentioning, I’d go with a wood filler meant to be painted over, not a wax product.  The oils in wax fillers are meant for use in refinishing so they blend in with the top coats.  But wax would interfere with the paint adhering, or leach through  causing measles in your flames. Wax is used as a mask to leave areas unpainted if needed in design work.  Your pinstriper ought to know what to use if he’s a pro.  Probably runs into this all the time.  

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  12. 9 hours ago, DanvillRob said:

    You’re too kind……I just sang what David wrote.

    i think he and I SHOULD collaborate on a song or two!

    Definitely.  And curious, does your wife sing by chance? I can hear it with  classic female backing/harmonizing, especially on the chorus.   Anyone got a line to Emmy Lou? 😄

  13. 20 hours ago, Sammythebull said:

    This message is for DanvillRob, good morning- last year there was a conversation you were involved in about the Bat's in Flight Gison guitar made in 2019.  Gibson made 10.   I was one of the 10 people that was able to get one.  Fast forward to today- I am thinking about listing this guitar on Reverb or Ebay- I apologize for this question- what would be a good asking price?  I am asking you only because it seems you been playing for a while and you only live 90 min from me. 🙂   Thanks Sam - never posted before so I will leave my email-delarosa.s@mcs4kdis.com   Thanks Sam

    @Sammythebull  still curious, is it the solid or acoustic version? 

  14. 24 minutes ago, DanvillRob said:

    I really don't recall the thread on that guitar.....it's a solid-body guitar, right?

    Where are you located?

    You do need to post some photos...you can list it as a very rare guitar, that might get you a few more bucks for it.


    There were a couple of threads… first when they came out in 2019 and another just a year ago…. I actually saw the solid body at Willies the first time we went there to pick up an old resonator.  I remember being struck by it, but had zero appreciation of what I was looking at.  I was focused on acoustics at that point.  

    I just can’t stop thinking about how one of the hollow body versions sure would be a nice complement to my DIF.  PD wanders off humming the old Jazz standard “Night and Day.”

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Sammythebull said:

    This message is for DanvillRob, good morning- last year there was a conversation you were involved in about the Bat's in Flight Gison guitar made in 2019.  Gibson made 10.   I was one of the 10 people that was able to get one.  Fast forward to today- I am thinking about listing this guitar on Reverb or Ebay- I apologize for this question- what would be a good asking price?  I am asking you only because it seems you been playing for a while and you only live 90 min from me. 🙂   Thanks Sam - never posted before so I will leave my email-delarosa.s@mcs4kdis.com   Thanks Sam

    Aw geeze, and here I was just was saying we have to swear off any more guitars! 😁 Just out of curiousity, the LP or the acoustic? And here, I’ll tag @DanvillRob to be sure he sees this.  Post some pics!

  16. 2 hours ago, duluthdan said:
    Need some advice. Gibson Banner 43/44 SJ has these tuners. Footprint in the finish suggests originally had 3 on a plate tuners - with scalloped ends, perhaps. The tuners now on the guitar look ok, but the peg bushings are loose, and the knobs are getting harder than all get out to turn. Considering replacing with the antique acoustic replca 3 on a plate Klusons. Good move? Stupid move? This is a very much a players guitar, not a collectors item.
    Also a picture of the bridgeplate - looks to be rosewood and I can't determine what's going on here. Probably replace with a maple bridgeplate ? Good move? Bad move?
    Sorry I can't figure out how to directly post the images - I'm an Apple guy and there's no mouse to float over and grab these pictures.

    for a mac/iPad: On Imgur, click on your profile up in the upper right corner.  open the “images” link.  Click the thumbnail of  the image you want to grab to open the image. Then click copy on the “ direct link” choice that opens in the list to the side of the pic. It should flash green to show you copied. Then paste it in your post here.  


  17. 2 minutes ago, B.T. said:

    Thanks Prairie Dog.

    I'm documenting everything and will be putting it on YouTube for any other guitarists that are contemplating going through it.

    I am very much looking forward to hearing about your experience.  I’m pretty sure it might be on my horizon…. 🫣

  18. 1 minute ago, B.T. said:

    Great seeing everything going on presently!  Some excellent projects!

    I'm not working on anything.
    I'm sitting here recovering from CMC Thumb joint surgery.  About 2 weeks in - 10 more to go.   Absolutely forbidden from even thinking about touching a guitar. In 50 plus years of playing I've never had a time when all I could do is look at my guitars. The Dr. was clear that my recovery and hand dexterity is now entirely up to me and how willing I am to cooperate with the therapy and program. He understands how important it is to me. He assures me it'll be a forever fix if I cooperate.  Doing what I can and trusting the Good Lord for the outcome!

    Keep up the inspiration!


    Hey, hold on to the program.  Dr. is right! Glad you are ‘being good.’  It must be tough, but all for a happy outcome. Thinking healing thoughts for you. 

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