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Red 333

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Red 333 last won the day on December 21 2023

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  1. Hi Red

    Could I ask you somethings about the J-45?
    Have You heard of the Fuller's J-45?
    I'm actually viewing one and on the verge of getting it, used.
    Any idea is it comparable to the now, J-45 vintage?

    Thanks so much


    1. Red 333

      Red 333

      Hi, Techref.

      Fuller's has has Gibson build a bunch of different J-45s over the years; some with adi tops when that wasn't common, some fully torrified, some that represented specific eras, etc., so it's a bit of a mystery to me what the one you're looking at is; the sound hole lable doesn't give me much of a idea without having Fuller's spec sheets. The only clue I see is the the back braces seem thin and squared off, and I remember Fuller's had a run of Legends like that, so perhaps this is a model that they specified a 40s style bracing. If you had other photos, maybe we could suss something else out. I can tell that as a rule of thumb, the guitars made for Fuller's tend to be very well made, and have a unique feature or two that distinguishes them from similar models. Sometimes, these make their way onto models offered to other or all dealers later.  The Fuller's folks are very nice in my experience. Maybe if you call them they can tell you something about what, if anything, distinguishes that J-45 from today's Standard or the Standard being made when the Fuller's guitar was offered.

      Best of luck.

    2. Techref


      Hi Red

      Thanks so much for the reply.
      i wish i have more pictures but I guess they are exactly the same cosmetic as the current ones now.
      Just that the build internally is everybody's guess. Probably I would give Fuller a call but its a limited run til like 2009,
      I wouldn't be sure if they would have the specs during those years.

      I tried contacting Gibson but nothing heard from them and its been 4 days.

      I realized that you have both the J-35 and J45, so I kindda felt you're best person I could seek advice for.
      My friends around me are like another of those guys in the park owning a guitar.




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