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Marky Forrest

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Posts posted by Marky Forrest

  1. Thanks, they had me see a dietician and my wife and I being both on the same thing listened and went hog wild on this. So she explained that one half of the plate should be vegetables and those are free like lettuce, spinach, brockly, celery, carrots and so on, 1/4th of the plate should be meats and that weighed out to 3-4 oz of carbs so it's like fist size. And 1/4th of the plate should be grains, whole wheat grain is the best, white bread they say is bad for you, same with white rice and pasta. Use whole wheat grain. So that's what we're both on. We were used to eating out all the time and were shocked how bad those foods are. I have to get my cholesterol levels down. Today we tried a turkey hamburger and it wasn't really that bad at all. I put seasoning on it, garlic salt and hamburger seasoning and grilled it outside and added a tablespoon of barbecue sauce and a slice of cheddar cheese and onion with lettuce for lunch. Deb added a scoop of potato salad on the side with fruit. Then vegetable soup. Very good.


    That sounds like a good way to watch what you eat. Calorie and carb counting can become very tedious. I eat turkey or veggie (garden) burgers all the time. To me, they are very tasty on the grill.

  2. Anyone ever eat squirrel?

    I dont recommend it because you could get leprasy but just wondering.


    I heard they do this in Tennessee.



    Goldtop2: don't quote me on it, but is there much leprosy in squirrels? Never heard of a single case. Can they even carry leprosy...?


    Disclaimer, I'm not sure, so don't blame me if you get leprosy from eating squirrel.


    It's not so much the disclaimer as that I had to type the sentence above. I'm fairly confident that "don't blame me if you get leprosy from eating squirrel" has never been typed, uttered, or even smoke-signalled before, ever.


    I ate squirrel stew once. My father was overrun with squirrels at his lake house so he asked me to come up and shoot some. My wife and I did the next weekend. I brought the same .22LR Marlin rifle that my dad gave me when I was 10 years old. My first real gun. I brought it for sentimental reasons. Anyway, I shot five nice big ones and I don't hunt just to kill so I insisted that we eat them for dinner. My wife was the daughter of a Vet and hunter so she knew just how to gut and skin them. My step-mother is an excellent cook who has cooked all types of wildlife before so between the two of them they whipped up a squirrel stew. Honestly, it was not very good, and I am being kind here. That was the one and only time that I ate squirrel and none of us developed leprosy either. That being said, squirrel may be delicious if it is cooked differently.

  3. Hamburger and water






    Are you on a protein diet?



    Sounds more like a high fat diet to me~


    I was thinking of a diet like Atkins where you eat mostly protein and very few carbs. On Atkins I lost 35 lbs in 5 months and I ate steaks, eggs, cheese, hamburgers and even bacon. No bad changes in cholesterol either, and I felt good.

  4. Thanks, I went back to hitting the weightlifting and that helps a lot. Diet is like 90% of weight lose and building muscle they say, exercise is 10% on either. It does help. So today I had 2eggs, hash browns and a slice of Chedar cheese for breakfast, lunch was 2 small turkey breasts, rice and green beans and some grapes. dinner was 2 small chicken tenders, Deb's delicious vegetable soup and a peach.


    That's a good balanced diet for the day. Well done!

  5. I'm on a diet train too, lost 9 pounds in one week, today was oatmeal for breakfast, vegetables and a chicken salad sandwich and a peach for lunch and a vegetable soup Deb made from weight watchers that was delicious for dinner with a lettuce salad. I have 6 more pounds to lose where the doctor wants me at.


    Only 6 more pounds... that's not bad. Good for you! I've got almost 20 more to go, ugh.

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