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Jim Wilson

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Posts posted by Jim Wilson

  1. I think the biggest improvement will be the transition to the K&K Pure Mini pickup.  I've got that in two of my Gibsons and really like it and the change is very noticeable.  As to the other changes, I like to get rid of the plastic, if such exists...what you go to, depends upon the sound that you want and get...all of which is very subjective, in my book.  Good luck!

  2. Some time ago, I had the UST removed from two of my Gibsons and replaced with the K&K Pure Mini pickup.  What an improvement!  This evening I'll take delivery of a '65 J-50 and you can bet that it will eventually have a K&K in it, too.

  3. I have 3 Gibsons that I bought off the internet...1 j45 rosewood and 2 j45 mahogany. Each one got an immediate setup from a qualified luthier. I have to say that I've been extremely satisfied with each of them. Date of manufacture runs 2002, 2008, and 2014. Maybe I am just lucky....or maybe this guy is just a Gibson basher.

  4. QM, yes, some steel-string guitars are made with cedar tops. We know that these are pretty soft and will quickly show wear. I think the major discussion here is about the quality of the sound that these gits produce...and is it worth the problems that will result from the soft top. Willie Nelson's gut-string Martin is a cedar-topped guitar...and it's a wonder that it still holds together.

  5. It's difficult to give anything but a subjective answer to that sort of question. Taylors are pretty well made, but have no soul, so they get my vote as over-rated. BlueRidge guitars are foreign-made guitars and there is no reason that they should be as good as they are...so that's my pick for under-rated.


    I can't imagine people having good guitars and not taking them when they play out.

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