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Posts posted by tx-ogre

  1. Another clear indicator that “Bidenomics” is working to control inflation.  All kidding aside, I’m glad I have all the Gibsons I want at the moment.  Any other models I’m interested in have been discontinued so I’d have to buy used.

    • Like 2
  2. Well, the day finally came.   After my grandson wanted an electric guitar at Christmas 2012 (because I bought his sister an acoustic guitar a year earlier), I purchased him an Ltd Viper 50 (SG body style).  He showed some interest in learning/playing, then as most adolescences do, he lost interest, leaving the guitar at my home.  Then to make matters worse, he went over to the “dark side,” thinking he wanted to be a drummer.  Oh, the humanity!  Anyway, he recently retuned from the “dark side” and decided to take his guitar home and strive to be a guitar player.  Happy, happy.  Joy, joy.  Anyway, I always figured that I would give him my Vox DA-5 amp so he would have something to play through.  And now that I am down a low-watt amp, I decided it was time to buy another one.  I ordered this one from Sweetwater and it definitely fills my needs for something more basic from my tube amps:



    Currently I am running it through my Epiphone Valve Jr. cab with the stock 12” Eminence Lady Luck (16 ohm) speaker.  So far, so good.  I’ve only turned it up around 9 o’clock and it is plenty loud and still has some clean headroom.  According to the online reviews, it should start breaking up around 12 o’clock.  I look forward to testing that theory when the opportunity presents itself.  I have been thinking about swapping the speaker out for an 8 ohm Eminence Texas Heat or Swamp Thing speaker.  Decisions, decisions.  

    Pretty basic.  Volume knob, Norm/Bright switch.  So simple, even I can’t screw things up.  Totally grateful for that.  😀


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  3. 2 hours ago, geezer1 said:

       I'm a Gibson man too. Sorry about your surgeries. I've had 3 and I thought that was bad. Nobody understands the woes of a back injury until they have one. Speaking about guitars, my first electric was a 1968 Epiphone. My second was a Gibson RD I bought in 1977. My 3rd and favorite was the silver burst Flying V I bought in 1979. That's the one I fell in love with. Life showed up and I sold it. Didn't touch another guitar until Last year.  

    I half-heartedly made some brief attempts at learning to play when I was younger, but it wasn’t until 2003 (age 43) that I made a serious effort to learn after my first health scare.  Definitely convinced me to stop putting it off.  

    • Like 1
  4. I bought the AC30 version of the Amplug many years ago.  I use it when I am traveling and can’t schlep an amp with me.  Quite a handy little gadget.  I also purchased the Amplug speaker cabinet.  Have always been happy with both.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, OrdinaryNimda said:

    And what does the "H" in HNPD stand for? Huge? 🤓

    “H” is for happy.  No way it could be used for huge in this case for sure.  😀

    • Haha 1
  6. I’m just hoping they will help me suck less.  I need all the help I can get.  But seriously, they should provide a lot of added flexibility to my playing and add some much needed variety.

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