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Posts posted by tx-ogre

  1. I wish you the best.  I hope you find relief soon.   I went through something similar recently so I know what you’re going through.  Mine started out as pain in my left shoulder.  An MRI revealed a partially-torn rotator cuff.  Started physical therapy to deal with that.  Then the pain began moving down my left arm (elbow, wrist and also the soft tissue) until I couldn’t lift my arm and lost most of the use of my left hand.  Then the pain expanded from my shoulder up into my neck.  From there, it travelled down my right arm into my right hand.  Not quite as bad as the left arm/hand, but made it virtually impossible to do anything.  Subsequent MRIs of my cervical spine revealed degenerative disk disease, severe spinal stenosis and two severely herniated disks.  Epidural steroid injects didn’t help.  Ended up having cervical spine fusion surgery, having the disks between the C5/C6 and C6/C7 vertebrae and having the 3 vertebrae fused.  

    I started feeling relief/improvement almost immediately.  No restrictions after 6 weeks.  Didn’t even need physical therapy.  It’s been 4 months now and I’m back to playing guitar, working out, everything I used to do and have nearly 100% use of both arms and hands again.  

    I hope you can find something that will provide similar results.


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  2. I retired from the gubamint at the end of 2011 after 28 years.  During my 23 years as a field agent, I rarely socialized with my coworkers or other law enforcement officers.  The few times I did, the conversation always turned to work.  I dealt with that enough on-duty that I wanted to get away from it in my off-time.  My last 5 years were in management: 2 years a a Group Supervisor and 3 as a Resident Agent in Charge (office head).  During that time I followed my Marine Corps leadership training and avoided fraternization with my subordinates.  A lot of the non-veterans didn’t understand and were pissed off, but I just explained that it is problematic trying to be an effective leader/boss and “drinking buddy” at the same time.  Any socializing I did was with neighbors or friends who had “normal” jobs.  

    Now I do some occasional consulting work on behalf of the gubamint as a contractor.  I work from home, have little to no contact with anyone from the contract companies and have no direct contact whatsoever with any gubamint employees or agencies.  Not a bad gig.

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