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Posts posted by tx-ogre

  1. My wife and I rarely eat fast food of any kind, perhaps 2-3 times a month.  And because everything here in Austin is always crowded except during off-hours, we almost never eat at sit-down restaurants.  My wife and I both cook.  She does most of the indoor cooking.  I do all of the outdoor cooking, something that can be done year-round here.  And after retiring my infared gas grill and buying a 36” Blackstone flat top griddle, I can cook anything on that that can be cooked on the stove, only in larger quantities.  (And my occasional smash burgers and Bubba Burgers just taste better…lol. )  This way we can control the ingredients, especially things like sodium and fat.  Leaner cuts of meat, etc.  It has really helped control cholesterol and triglycerides.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Dub-T-123 said:

    I dunno about “we” but I hope you get what you want

    He must have a mouse in his pocket.  Different strokes for different folks.  That is not a model on my GAS list.

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