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Marcus Nalgaber

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Posts posted by Marcus Nalgaber

  1. This night I’ll dance with Devil


    Yes I know
    I am not an Angel
    despite my wings
    my wings

    I am tired
    of smoothing
    the darkness
    of others

    Thisn night
    I'll dance with Devil

    At the rhythm of terrible Life
    full of broken broken bars

    His fire
    it can`t burn my mud
    but i'll transform me
    into liquid powder

    Dripping through his hands

    A wonderful end
    for a movie that
    I did not write

    Dripping through his hands

  2. Seven Jazz Guitars Comparison - Gibson vs D'angelico vs Tokai vs Ibanez vs Epiphone - (No Talking)

    Gibson L4 Ces vs Gibson ES-335 vs D'angelico Excel Mini DC vs Tokai SR-198 vs Ibanez GB10SE-BS vs Ibanez AF95FM-AYS vs Epiphone Sheraton




    Marcus Nalgaber

  3. In the oblivion of my flesh



    when I look back 
    I realize that Time
    is an instant
    after another
    anothe another another

    It just happens
    and can shake your way
    like that foot
    that inthe road
    kicks away a stone

    And so launched 
    I'll fly
    into mirror shrads
    in the space of my dreams
    my dreams

    Surrounded by that music
    that one sings
    to ward off fear

    I don't know why
    I am still a draft

    May be I can't change
    what is born like this

    May be may be may be
    I'll find the missing chip
    waiting for me
    one more time

    In the oblivion of my flesh

  4. When night falls



    When night falls
    fears come
    and all the lights
    seem few to me
    to cover their shadow
    to cover their shadow x2

    When nght falls
    memories come
    When nght falls
    memories come

    and any sound
    seems little to me
    to cover their mouth
    to cover their mouth

    they all dance together
    in a steange place
    with no walls
    with no floor

    that shake hands
    to torment me
    to torment me

  5. A Mermaid without a tail



    that moves in my blood
    when i think about it

    full of arms
    to rock dreams
    and also to drown them

    sea that makes me a mermaid
    with no tail
    waiting between mills
    the arrival of its wind
    so that it moves the blades
    and gets tangled in my hair
    with its smell

    how to describe the deep
    if it is not fall
    but liquid heaven
    through which sound travels
    of his dance

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