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string gauges for an LG-2


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Hi Alan,

The LG-2 sounds much better than the LG-1- fuller, louder, lusher (if you can call the sound of this guitar lush). It doesn't have the same "mojo" yet but in 20 or 30 years, who knows.....

Sorry to hear you're missing a digit but it's amazing how we can adjust! I'm trying to adjust my playing style so my poor old thumb doesn't get so sore. I tend to tense up too much.



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  • 11 months later...
Partly as a result of this thread I've just gone and ordered a fair few packs of Martin SPs Light-Mediums.

We live in hope.





I hate to say this...but, I tried Martin Sps Light-Mediums on my 1946 LG-2 and they were awful. Horrendously tinny sounding. Believe it or not I slapped on a pair of LaBella Silk and Steel and they're fantastic. I really think it is instrument dependent.

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I purchased a 60's reissue LG-2 last year from Fullers. What a wonderful guitar. Low profile D shaped neck, just a little wider than my J-45. I use John Pearse nickle lights and it gives me a more mellower woody sound than bronze does. Great for old time music (pre blue grass) and alt country.

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