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Grolsch Straplocks


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Hello everybody, long story short i have recently bought an epiphone les paul tribute plus and it came with the official epiphone straplocks, but one appears to malfunction and both my dealer and epiphone agree that it is due to wear. (which is sad because its less than 4 months old)


Nevermind now I am thinking of a old trick used by many guitarrists which is grolsch BEER :P


If you never heard of the grolsch beer its a duch beer known for the swingtop tap, which contains some kind of seal that we use as straplocks. My doubt is: does it function in Les Pauls specially in the new tribute plus buttons?



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You can't use those Fender washers on an Epi..........



they work as 'regular' strap-pins, too


i can't play guitar without straplocks :( it affects my confidence and playing... i used to play in a guitar before i received the epiphone that sometimes slipped from the strap... i never drop it but there's always that "what if" .


I also don't want to put some holes in my les paul so i think the dunlop are not for me :S

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